
Where I fit

Alec crunches into his onion ring and nods thoughtfully. Pausing, he sees the question in Ryan's eye and he shrugs. "Just wondering. Gotta keep an eye on these guys, ya know? Chick like you... guys all over might wanna move in on you and I'd never know."

A grin forms and he winks at Ryan. He knew she wouldn't give him up for someone else. "Naw... guess I figure you were tryin' to be friends with Leo and all and I guess maybe somewhere along the way I wound up feeling a little bad that I took that away from you." He shrugs and runs an onion ring through the fixings on his hotdog. "Guess maybe I hoped you'd get some of that back or something, I don't know."

Swallowing his bite, he looks back to Ryan, squinting a little in the sun. "I don't know what it's like to have real friends... other than you, I mean. But it looks nice."

"Alright. Main drag it is." Chance pulls out of the parking lot and heads the way Destiny directed him. Hitting the main street, he drives a little slower, looking at all the signs. "Hmmm..." He mumbles to himself mostly as he reads aloud the fast food options.

Eventually they wind up at a Wendy's and after ordering, Chance picks a spot in the far corner near a window. Settling down at the small table, he bites into his bacon cheeseburger and lets out a yummy "Mmmm." Grinning, he looks across at Destiny. "Nothing like a bit of grease to make a meal taste good."

Leo concentrates on the sidewalk as Cassy talks to him. What she said made sense. Most of it he knew, but sometimes coming from someone else made it easier to digest.

Cassy's final question makes all his other trains of thought cease as he stares at the pebble being pushed around by the toe of his sneaker. He really didn't want to answer her... it didn't feel good and he didn't like where that thought process took him. But Cassy was his friend... she understood him... and he knew he needed to work through this.

"You're right... it really did... does hurt. Not just because she went off with another guy but because..." He shrugs. "I tried so hard... twice."

He finally gets up enough nerve to look up at Cassy. "I feel like a fool. I was hard up for a girl's attention, ya know? Guy like me... not exactly Hercules or Mr. Charm." Leo can feel a little heat on his neck and he shrugs again, lowering his arms to tuck his hands in his jeans pockets.

"When Ryan accepted me, it was like wow... I got Ryan McKade... I was the envy of all the guys. Mistake number one. Then when I found out it was all a lie, but she decided she really did like me, so I actually took her back. Mistake number two. Then along came Alec."

Leo clears his throat and takes a moment to think, glancing down the street at some traffic, then finally looking at the sidewalk again. "So... the best man won. I wasn't enough. Wasn't good enough... wasn't adventurous enough, I don't know. But Ryan chose a guy that should be in prison. I guess he just had the right moves."

Pausing, he finally looks at Cassy again, his eyes full of frustration, confusion and hurt. "So I guess what's blocking me from moving on is as simple as pride. I feel like the biggest idiot on the planet for ever thinking I could actually have Ryan McKade. I'm Leo Barnsworth - class clown, garage klutz, dumb handyman... now we can add ditched fool."

Biting his lip, Leo knew good and well Cassy wouldn't agree with his attitude. "I just need to let it go... Ryan's got what she wants now and I'm not it. I just need to accept it and settle back into my own little world I always lived in. It's where I fit best."

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