
Normal is relative

Leo can feel his own face redden a little. He didn't deserve such compliments, really. He hadn't done that much around here... just patched up a few things and maybe made them look a little better, that's all. But he could tell that Cassy was genuinely grateful. And even if he didn't want to take the compliment, it did feel good... way deep down where it counted.

Looking into Cassy's eyes, he can see her passion for life, despite what she'd been through. When trying to help a friend, her pain meant nothing to her. "You're so strong," he almost whispers. It seemed so disconnected from what she'd been saying, but to him, it was directly in line with her words. "Like a wind that no one can hold back." Reaching out, he brushes aside a rogue wisp of hair from her face. "Don't ever change."

Letting his hand drop, he looks down again and finally goes for the paint can and brush once more. He was done talking about himself. It was something he needed to work through and work out, now that everything was out in the open. He could... he just had to figure out how.

"Almost done out here," he changes the subject. "We can dance a little in a while if you want to get in some practice today."

Alec grins a little and nods. "Yeah, your brother seems alright. Not sure he likes me all that well but... maybe if I stick around long enough, I can add him to the friend category. You, on the other hand..."

He stuffs the rest of his hotdog into his mouth to finish it off before ending his sentence. "...you're in a category all your own."

Sliding his foot on the grass under the table, it meets Ryan's and he gives it a little tap. Finishing up the food isn't hard, and soon Alec is standing, offering Ryan a hand. "Shall we walk the beach before we leave?"

"Fun? Normal?" Chance chuckles. "I'm not sure those two words are actually part of my everyday vocabulary."

He would have just let it go at a joke, but he saw that Destiny really was interested. So after another bite of his sandwich, he shrugs. "Don't have much time for fun lately. Working mostly. Going for a swim is about the only way I wind down some days, but otherwise... it's go to work, go home and back again."

He hadn't really thought about it much, but it wasn't like he had a grand circle of friends he would hang out with or anything. The Elite did take up most of his time, even if he was always trying to cut a new deal with Toby.

"Normal is relative. I guess a normal day for me would be one when I go to work and don't get shot at, though... that was beginning to be the norm up until I got shipped here." Toby had put him on some pretty hairy cases, that was for sure. "Hoping that changes... for both our sakes," he teases. He hadn't really answered he question very well, but he turns the table anyway. "What about you?"

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