
Opening Class

Knowing the key code in case she even needed it was important so even after she was inside for a few minutes she continued to say it in her mind until she new for sure what it was without hesitating.

Entering and scanning the whole room Destiny moves through out one way to the next. Everything was furnished, curtains, beds, dressers it was completely livable except for the food. Just listing to Chance while she explored Destiny could pick up on some cameras and what not where but to anyone else who didn't know it looked completely normal.

"I think I'll take the room that has the bathroom connected to it."

Nodding to Chance to show she understood how safe this place was Destiny followed into the kitchen after picking what room sh wanted. The kitchen was nice, shiny white and black tile, sliding doors that went out onto a deck. This defiantly was ok with her.

"This is really nice, I know Jason told me not to thank anyone anymore..but thanks anyways for keeping this as a surprise. It was a nice one for sure."

Entering a little more and going to the sliding glass doors Destiny looks out into the backyard. This was a nice little house, smaller than her parents but the inside seemed to reminder her of theirs in a way.

Turning as Chance mentions filling the fridge Destiny's face seems to lighten up just a bit as she turns to look at him. Sure she had gotten food for her own apartment before but something was differnt about this time that made her feel a little excited.

"Wow, we get to stock this place up on our own, that is going to be fun. We can do that after the meeting with my lawyer if you want. Your going to have to let me know what you like to eat too, than I can cook for ya, I'm not to shabby at it."

Leaning her head into Leo's hand Cassy's eyes fall shut for a moment just letting Leo's touch sooth her. Though his hands were rough there was still a soft nature behind them, that was nice.

Opening her eyes again slowly Cassy looks up into Leo's again as he speaks. The only reason she had done good this time was because he's been there supporting and helping her. With the movement he made weather he new it or not had been soft, and not edgy at all. The nice flow helped Cassy move without hurting herself.

Wanting to say something but holding back Cassy gives a smile as Leo lifts her up again and she hands on her feet. Shifting her weight so it was mostly off her one knee she new in the morning she would be in a good deal of pain but it had been worth it and felt great.

"I never could get enough practice, but I know you've had a long day and I better not push the knee more than I have. Thanks for helping with the edging. Only a few more things to finish and this place will be ready to open. You wanna come and watch the grand opening class?"

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