
Next Time

Getting Alec's return kiss Ryan welcomed it not caring who in the shop saw. She new things with Leo were still rough but she couldn't walk on eggshells ether though she would admit to herself if Leo had been there she wouldn't have done this.

As Alec pulls away the grin remains on Ryan's face. Turning slightly so she was standing more next to Alec than in front of him now so she would see the other guys she just rolls her eyes at them.

"You know Mile's if you payed more attachen to that car you were working on and not me, you might just beat me in a race once and a while."

The teasing tone was clear in Ryan's voice and she just couldn't help it. They all teased each other here and sometimes it was just easier than others.

Hearing her brother wanted to talk to Alec Ryan raises her eyebrow a little as the turn to walk out of the shop. She wasn't against her brother and Alec talking she only found it a bit strange. Brushing it off for now though she figured it was nothing.

Getting outside the shop Ryan stops once again looking around Alec at the shiny black car that was in the parking lot. She could tell it was an Elite car just from the looks of it. Looking back to Alec she smirks.

"Something tells me they didn't let you barrow that. Come on we'll take my car. Where would you like to go?"

Watching Chance as he talks Destiny takes in his face, his hand movements on the steering wheel and his eyes as he talked and drove at the same time. Something seemed off, she wasn't sure what but something.

Though she had never been active working with the Agency her father had taught her a few things so when the time came and they Agency wanted her, they could use her and not kill her because she was of no use.

He was lieing...though she wasn't sure what part or if it was everything she could tell he was lieing. Why would he lie to her though? After this was over she would probably never him again. Breaking her gaze from him for a moment Destiny looks at the surroundings finding the building they were looking for and making sure this was the right area.

"Yeah this is the right place. It's right over there. You can park outside the building just hang this in the window so if a cop comes by they know we are inside and don't need to pay the meter."

Waiting for Chance to pull up along side the curb and hand the paper from his mirror Destiny waits a moment before getting out of the car. Turning to Chance for a moment her eyes search his face.

"We are suppose be building trust, I trust you will protect me, and you trust that I wont cause you to much trouble. Next time you don't want to tell me something you can just say so...you don't have to lie, I wont be offended."

Opening the door Destiny get outs scanning the area herself. Getting up onto the sidewalk she turns and gives a small smile to Chance waiting for him to join her once again.

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