
Not sure

Smiling Cassy takes the flowers to her kitchen table and sets them down in the middle. Turning them a little to make sure the "pretty" side showed.

"Yeah thats not a problem. I'm going to be heading over there shortly to do some work, and practice a little so I will be there as long as your feeling better and up for it."

Moving from the kitchen and heading down to her room Cassy continues to talk to Leo as she pulls some cloths out of her dresser. After she got off the phone she'd take her shower and head over to the studio.

"Oh I am so happy to know your still doing stuff with dancing Leo, I really am. Weather you like to think so or not you've always been good and I hate to see that talent go to wast."

Sitting in the little room next to the infirmary Destiny was pretty quiet for most of the afternoon. Every once and a while talking a little with Jason but never letting it last to long. Her own mind reeled with so many thoughts it was hard to keep them all straight

Hearing the knock on the door, and that it opens slightly Destiny sits up a little straghter. She new Jason was there to protect her but still after everything made her jump right now.

As Reese comes into the room and another man follows Destiny's eyes move from Reese, Chance. Just staring for a long moment she takes him in not being able to help the fact she was pretty good looking. He wasn't what she would think a bodyguard would like like but he wasn't shabby ether. Still she couldn't help but just wish Jason could do the job.

Giving a nod and trying her best to smile even just a little Destiny continues to watch Chance just trying to get a feel for him.

"It's nice to meet you. Yeah I guess we are."

Finally looking away and to Jason Destiny couldn't help the slight worried look in her eye. She'd gotten comfortable around Jason, she new he could protect her, but this new guy she didnt know anything about.

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