
The day... uh... ff... something

Jason takes the backpack from Destiny and tries to give her the best smile he can. "Hey... we're here for you now, alright? No more thanks. Just stay alive and that's all the thanks we need."

Waiting for her to collect the rest of her things, he offers his arm to her again as they head back down the hall, his tall frame sheltering her from the bloody scene in the living room. "Alec, let's go."

Alec had been standing at the window keeping watch and now moves to the door. "Whatever you say."

Jason bristles at the sarcasm but says nothing. Now was not the time. He'd complain about Alec's judgment call later. For now they just needed to get Destiny out of here and back to TJY in one piece.

Leaving the apartment behind, Jason gets Destiny settled in the back seat of the truck again with her things, again directing her to lay low just in case there were any more thugs out there. Alec remains quiet, his eyes darting to and fro in their surroundings the whole way, just as much wanting to save everyone as his own hide.

Reese looks up at Katie as she enters his office and he gives her a nod. "Just hung up with him. Two guys are dead but he and Jason and the girl are fine." He stops the corner of his mouth twitching a little. "But I'm thinking you may have known that already."

Standing up, he aims for the door, motioning Katie to go with him. "I'd like you to go to the break room and fix some hot tea or whatever you think might do Destiny some good. They're bringing her back here and she may need... well... another woman's company. In the meantime, I'll get someone to go tape off the crime scene and settle this mess."

Several hours pass. The day seems extra long as nerves were shot and attitudes were on edge after the encounter with the Agency. Even if only Jason and Alec had been there with Destiny, it was a close enough call that no one was comfortable with it. the Agency was still very real and still very close in their midst.

The only place for Destiny for the time being was the break room and though they tried to make her comfortable, the circumstances themselves couldn't be made any easier. Jason and Alec both had to give Reese reports and a fight breaks out in his office as Jason accuses Alec of murder. The subject of whether or not Alec killed out of necessity is put on hold, Reese deciding it would be better to discuss it the next day when tempers were cooled off.

Jason finds himself going back and forth between the break room and Reese's office, trying to juggle all the tasks, information and not finding time to talk with Katie, which was the only thing he really wanted to do all day but couldn't. Alec winds up hibernating downstairs, finding himself confined to the building once again until this whole shooting thing was settled. Another date with Ryan canceled.

By the time evening arrives, the extra bedroom next to the infirmary has been set up for Destiny until a more permanent place outside of TJY could be arranged. Reese assured her that something would be set up within the week. In the meantime, she was encouraged to get some rest. Her bodyguard was on his way from Arizona.

...And he was.

"Tomorrow, seven-thirty..." Chance mumbles to himself in the backseat of the taxi as he browses the calendar events on his cell phone. It was dark out so he wasn't going to try to enjoy looking at the sights. That would have to come later. For now, all he wanted to do was get from the airport to TJY, meet whoever this girl was he was supposed to babysi...guard, and get a good night's sleep before the real work started.

The vehicle slowing and turning brings his attention back around and he realizes they're pulling into the Elite parking lot. Not as much security as he'd assumed. But with them not being underground anymore, it went to reason that there would be just as little outside security as any police station.

Paying the driver and gathering his backpack and one duffel bag, Chance looks at the factory building. Now why they hadn't relocated to their own place, he didn't know. Ah well, to each his own.

Ambling to the doors, he finds the way in and down to the main floor. Tonight he was in his jeans, tennis shoes and light brown leather jacket. The nights were juts as cold here as in Arizona. There wasn't a whole lot going on inside the building. He surmised the empty cubicles meant most agents were gone for the day. Normally he'd be reclined in his living room right about now, flipping television channels and enjoying something cold to drink. But instead, he was here... wandering around like a lost idiot, trying to find whoever it was he was supposed to look after. How ironic.

"Chance O'Mally?"

Chance stops and sets his one bag down, accepting Reese's handshake. "Ah, the chief himself. Pleasure to meet you face to face finally."

"Likewise. I'm glad Toby let you off to come here for this case."

Chance keeps his smile, though his eyes were less than thrilled. "Yeah he's... quite the guy, isn't he?"

After a quick debriefing and details about Destiny, Chance's things are left in the infirmary where he'd find himself on the cot for at least tonight. And finally it's to the room next door.

"Destiny?" Reese knocks before entering with caution, not wanting to startle her, even though he knew Jason was still with her. "This is Chance... Chance O'Mally. He's been assigned to be your bodyguard."

Chance wanders in after him, letting his eyes fall to the pretty blonde who looked like she'd been put through the wringer today - from the sounds of things, she had. This was hardly the "girl" he'd imagined, and his eyebrows quirk just a little. "Hi there." Feeling the cold stare of someone else, he looks to see Jason straddling a backward chair. He'd heard about this guy before and wasn't going to show how intimidated he felt on the inside. Glancing back to Destiny, he offers a smile. "Guess you and I will be getting to know each other pretty well, huh?"

Hearing Cassy's voice, Leo laughs and shakes his head. "Charmer I'm not. Handyman I am, and I still need to finish the outside trim." He wanders across the garage, ignoring all the sounds of cars being worked on. "I get off work about two... thought I'd swing by and work on that a little more if you don't mind. Give me something to do. Tonight I got stuff at the studio."

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