
The lovely

Jason falls into his chair, banging it against his desk accidentally. Katie's message breaks through his inner turmoil and he doesn't answer her right away. He'd felt better last night... calmer... more in control. But once he'd gotten here and in the same room with Alec again, it was like putting two angry bulls in the same pen. They could get along under certain circumstances, and even be friendly towards each other. But then when a stunt was pulled like yesterday...

Jason tears a page out of his notepad that he'd scribbled on the day before. Balling it up in his fist, he clenches his fingers tight, the paper pressing into his palm. He had killed a man. Alec had killed a man. But Alec's had been unnecessary and Jason did not trust him to be out on assignment like that. He didn't understand or approve of Reese's decision.

Yeah... I'm okay... will be...

Suddenly he realizes that his hand has grown very hot and he looks down just in time to realize the paper he held was smoldering. Quickly letting go, ash and bits of glowing paper flutter onto his desk, a bit of smoke rising.

"Oh for crying out..." Jason stands up in a hurry, patting out any leftover embers that might catch something else on fire. Brushing off his palm, he's glad to see he hadn't burned himself.

I'm going to set this place ablaze if I'm not careful. Today this, this... thing is a curse.

He had to get a handle on himself and fast. Sitting back down, he takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, counting to ten. His anger begins to subside some - at least enough that nothing is rattling or threatening to burst into flames. How would he explain that one to Reese?

Everything is just piling up. But I gotta just get through this day. I can't screw things up and call off the concert tonight.

Even though deep down Leo felt just a twinge of awkwardness around Cassy sometimes, hearing that she still wanted him, needed him, to help her improve her dance and strengthen her form felt good. At the studio, he couldn't always compare or live up to expectations. In Cassy's eyes, he was as good as anybody, and whether he realized it or not, it helped boost his confidence.

Keeping in time with the music, but not moving too quickly, Leo gently lets Cassy spin, taking her close again and swaying to the rhythm.

"Mmm... my day was alright. Half was spent in the garage working on some old truck with Axel. We think we finally found the problem."

The music picks up a little, so he dares to push a couple quicker steps.

"Then a few hours were spent here, so I need not rehash that. And a few hours at the studio being a gopher and handyman."

Spinning Cassy around, he keeps one hand ready in case she needed support.

"And here I am. Dancing with the lovely Cassy Howard."

A smile appears on Chance's face as Destiny asks her questions. There was so much worry in her, yet she was still so full of life, even under these terrible and stressful circumstances.

"You don't need to worry about the safe house, okay?" He was very tempted to explain more, but in this case, he wanted to wait so she could see for herself that it wasn't going to be all that bad. A strange little twinkle was in his eye, hinting at the fact that he knew something she did not. "All your questions will be answered once we get there. But I promise it'll be alright." He looks her in the eye. "You have my word."

Hearing about the visit to the lawyer, he nods, growing a little more serious. "I'm going to be with you everywhere from now on, Destiny. Where you go, I go." He pauses in though. "Except the little girls room or the dressing room - that, I promise, will not be invaded... unless you tell me you got trouble in there, and I'll gladly rescue you... with my eyes closed."

A silly little grin tugs at the corners of his mouth as he tries to get Destiny to smile. "But I will tell you this... Some days you'll like it that I'm around, and some days you'll probably hate it. Because from here on out, you and me are like this." He holds up two fingers pressed together. "Grocery store, lawyers office, library or walk in the park... it's my job to be there. I'll do my best not to be too intrusive, but once we get the hang of this, it won't be so bad."

He tries to help her understand that he would be her shadow from now on, which meant she would not be alone anywhere. Privacy was something that would not come often. Safety would come first.

Holding out his elbow, he offers her his arm. "Walk you to our chariot?"

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