

Yeah... yeah leaving early would be good. Sorry... I know I need to cut this out.

Realizing that his hands had started to shake slightly, he opens his desk drawer to retrieve a granola bar. Tearing it open, he takes a bite, letting the sugar do its job.

Just... if you feel me punch anybody, it's gonna be Alec or the new guy. He bugs me.

Chance grins, glad that Destiny trusts him. "Nope." He holds up a set of keys, jingling them proudly. "I got me an Elite car to use whenever we please. At least for now, the Agency won't be finding your car. Come on."

Leading the way out of the building, Chance heads around the side where there was a short line of vehicles used for Elite purposes. Finding the right one, he opens the passenger door for Destiny. "And here we are. Slide right in, ma'am."

Once he was in the car too, with the engine started, he maneuvers through the parking lot and out on the street. "Okay... Reese told me where this place is, so we just gotta find Third Street..." His voice trails off as he tries to get his bearings in an unfamiliar town. Seeing the sign, he hits the brakes a little too quickly. "Ah, here we go. Hang a left, he said, so that is what we shall do."

Talking to himself as he remembers the directions, Chance drives for about ten minutes, coming to a residential area of town. It was a relatively new housing division with nice homes, some large and some small. Meeting few cars, it was apparent that this was a nice quiet area. Neighborhood Watch signs were visible in an attempt to thwart crime as well.

One might believe Chance was lost, coming to this place. It certainly wasn't the kind of location one would envision when thinking about their purpose for being there. But soon enough, he turns into a driveway of a one-story house. It was a pleasant looking house... a light blue with dark, decorative shutters and a big bay window that looked out towards the street. Attractive bushes lined the front, and the lawn was well-kept.

Shutting off the engine, Chance just sits for a moment before turning his head to Destiny. He knew she hadn't been thinking of a place like this. "When Reese does a job, he does it right. You deserve more than a group setting with victims of abuse. Until we get things straightened out and settled down, this is going to be your home. I'm just a shadow that will maintain high security for you."

He searches her face, wondering what she might be thinking. "We can go in if you want, and take a look around."

Feeling Cassy's intense gaze, Leo's own line of sight drops to meet her eyes. Continuing to dance to the music, he grows quiet, not sure how to respond now. She was enjoying this... maybe more than he had intended her to.

"Yes well... dancing is always a good way to end a day, don't you think?"

Sending Cassy spinning to the end of his hand, then bringing her back again, his other arm slips around her waist as they gradually twirl, their reflections caught in the shimmering mirrors. With a little bit of imagination, they were on a grand ballroom floor, elegantly dressed, along with several other couples. An orchestra played the soft music as those less daring remained along the sides to watch and admire those who could move so gracefully to the music. The tempo picks up and each couple steps in time to the rhythm. In unison, they swirl and shine under the soft glowing lights, men leading ladies on an enchanted journey across the floor. The orchestra's song swells with emotion, the dancers responding with passion as each falls into their partner's eyes, moving as one. The music intensifies, leading to prominent steps, filled with emotion. And as the final measures play, the men take their maidens and lift them into the air - graceful angels, soft and light, so little strength needed to-

Leo's mind comes to a screeching halt as the music playing begins to fade. Breathing heavily, he looks up into Cassy's eyes as he had just lifted her for one last twirl. Slowly, gently, he brings her back down so her feet can touch the floor. His final move is to pull her into a graceful dip, the song ending as now she hung on his arm, his gaze now looking down into those deep, sparkling pools.

His pulse racing, he realizes that he had maybe pushed her limits too much, not having intended at all to dance the way he had. A silence takes over the room as the music has now stopped.

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