
With a friend

"If I new who on earth Dave was I'd tell him for you."

Shaking her head and staring at Alec for a long moment Misty just can't believe him. He was totally wired and it was humorous but she could see why Rick was going crazy. Maybe after he has something to eat He'd feel a little better.

Exiting the studio a nice blue scoop neck shirt on and a pare of jeans Cassy holds two glass of the lemon aid her hand over the top so paint chips don't get into the drink. Ambling for the chair that had already been placed outside she sets the glass down at the little table.

"It doesn't looks like it will be to hard to fix that."

Cassy squints up in the sun light at Leo giving a smile. It defiantly was a nice day out for doing something like this.

"So I still think your a naturel at being my fit it. You really have helped me a lot."

Cassy gives a little laugh sitting down letting the sun light wash over her. Its felt so nice to be out enjoying the weather with a friend.

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