

Giving another smile and a slight nod at Leo's comment Cassy was happy this gave him something to do and he was enjoying himself. She certainly liked his company. He helped keep her mind off her ex and slowly it felt like a heavy weight was lifting though it still did hurt a little.

"Ha, I think its kind of ironic, the first business I am gonna have in my studio, is someone helping me..."

Going to take the glass from Leo and feeling his fingers brush hers Cassy stops for a moment letting her hand linger. Moving her fingers a slights she lets the one run over his finger for a moment. There was that feeling again. Faint, but it was still there non the less.

Looking up at Leo a little color comes to her own cheeks as she smiles at him, her eyes giving a twinkle in the sun light biting her lip a little..

"...not that I mind. Its nice having you around."

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