
Weak, Fragile, Broken

Giving one last smile to Eli as she slipped her helmet on tucking her hair up inside of it Scarlet gets on her bike zipping her jacket up and starting her bike revving the engine just a little.

Following Eli back down the trail Scarlet was thankful he was leading. Being here only once she didn't know the way back very well. Finally getting to where they would part Scarlet gives a wave before instead of heading home she makes her way back to the Bar and Grill.

Getting there it doesn't take long looking down at her watch and taking note to the time. Jimmy would be closing up but she new he would let her in to at least talk to him she had to tell him about her night went.

Hearing her brother come into the house Ryan doesn't even try and move as she hears her brother come into the house. She was way to comfortable with Alec.

Just letting the two of them go back and forth with each other Ryan couldn't help the snicker at the comment about a punch in the mouth. It was just to much to resist some kind of laugh.

As Eli leaves again Ryan tightening her arm around Alec a little more. Moves her own self a little closer to him resting her head against his. Giving another chuckle she keep her voice to a low whisper.

"You're lucky not everyone gets to ask Eli a punch to the face and than walk away from it alive. Maybe he is starting to get use to you after all."

Leaning her head in a little Ryan gives Alec another kiss on the lips before resting her head down and making it comfortable. Closing her eyes, the smile continued to linger on he face as she drifted to sleep.

Staring in the little mirror of her bathroom the screaming still continued out in the living room. Paper towels lied on the since covered in blood, from a lip that had been slip, and the nose that got the brunt of the impact. A black eye if not two would surly make there self known, the swelling had already started and the faint color of purple stained her peach skin. A concussion was possible but a trip to the hospital was not in order.

What had happened tonight Libby wasn't sure? Her mind was foggy from the beating her had received making it hard to think. This had been the wost it ever was before and for a few long moments as her step father's fists continued to connect with her face Libby thought she might die. How she wished now she had, no pain would be felt, no questions answered, no more threats made.

Now continuing to looking in the mirror Libby wanted to cry but it hurt to much. How would she go to work tomorrow? How would see go to dinner with Ty, his roommate and his girlfriend. Maybe makeup would cover it, but the pain would still be there, and she would still be sore.

Finally leaving the bathroom and quickly moving to her bedroom Libby shut the door turning on some music to drowned out the yelling. Libby new later a visit from her mom would come and the speech would be told and Libby's silence would be forced.

Grabbing the teddy bear from her closet little stains of blood were on him. A story in its own told he was her comfort when this had happened before. Holding him close and crawling into bed Libby moved close to corner and cowered in a little ball. So weak, so fragile, so broken.

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