

As Ty turns to leave the hurt that Libby could hear in his voice clenched at her heart. He thought he had done something wrong, Libby could just tell. There was nothing she could say to change that so maybe it was a good thing that he just leave.

Hearing him turn around again though and make his way back to her Libby lets out another long sigh a little more to the frustrated sigh. Here is started, he's ask, she'd tell and maybe...he' still walk away.

Being turned to Ty she did all she could not to look at him. More ashamed than anything else. Hearing his question she new it was coming, and hearing the stern tone in his voice she new he meant it. Her body ached for comfort, she acted to scream, she acted to just run away, to have Ty hold her.

"I...I don't know what happened."

Finally looking up slightly at Ty Libby can see the look in his eye and knows she better explain a little more than that before she really did lose him forever.

"Last night...I...went home and..."

Libby closes her eyes for a moment trying to remember what happened as a tear finally escaped from her eye and rolled down her cheek. Everything was still so foggy, her mind trying to block out the pain she really couldn't remember everything. Drawing in a sharp breath it hurt so much, to breath, to talk but she had to.

"...all I can remember is sitting on the couch on moment watching TV and the next I was being dragged on the ground. Being hit over...and over again. Everything else before and after that just seemed like a nightmare and just wishing I was dead...I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream but I couldn't..."

Opening her eyes and looking at Ty completely now she hoped he believed her. Libby didn't want him to walk away, and for once she didn't want to be alone. She was scared to tell Ty at first but not seeing him there she just wanted him to stay.

"...I must have made it back to my room but I think I blacked...out. This morning I woke up, and I hurt more than I did last night. Trying to clean up the dried blood...I..just wasn't strong though to fight him away. I'm sorry."

Libby didn't know why she was saying sorry, maybe because she couldnt remember anymore, maybe because of how she looked...maybe it was simply she was so use to saying sorry that it felt like that she must do.

Reaching out Libby's fingers gently try to find Ty's to just feel his locked with hers. To know he was real, to know he was here. He was the only thing holding Libby from breaking down right now, she was keeping her afloat.

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