

Being called a sexy knight in shining armor in front of the others, Ty's face reddens, even though he laughs and gives Libby's hand a squeeze.

Nearby on the cot, Alec was lying down on his side, one eye open as he groggily listened to whatever was going on in the room. He kinda felt like sleeping, but he kinda felt like getting up and doing laps around the room - a combination which made him just a bit dizzy and maybe not so with it.

Hearing Libby talk, he quirks an eyebrow and raises his hand. "Hey," he interrupts. "Hey... If Ty's the sexy knight, then I have to be at least the drop dead gorgeous idiot. Attractive just don't cut it." He wags his finger in the air for emphasis, though he really... wasn't even sure why. Though something told him that he maybe wasn't quite talking as straight as his brain was... or crooked... or something. Or maybe it was the looks on the faces staring at him that gave him that clue. "Uh... ignore the idiot. I'll just... go sneeze, eh, sleep."

Con snickers as Ty starts to laugh too. Having Alec be the one to provide the comedy was quite the switch. Con looks down at Libby, humor in his eyes at being called a giant. "Most people wind up calling me Tank," he admits, winking at her.

Once Ty had made sure everything was settled with Rick and Misty, he tells Libby she can come with him and Con. Taking her close to him, he lets her lean on him on the slow walk through TJY and back outside. After they're there though, Con stops them.

"Uh, Ty..." He cocks his head, seeing Libby's keys in Ty's hand. "Have you gained a permit?"

Ty thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. "No... but I made it here in one piece."

"I could arrest you, ya know."

"I could arrest myself," Ty counters with a smirk. "C'mon... we're off the clock. I know what I'm doing."

Con hesitates, but then shrugs. "Alright. You lead... I'll follow with my truck."

Before leaving TJY though, Ty has one more thing to do, and winds up backing Libby's pickup up to the side door where he leaves her for just a few moments, then returns to load up some empty boxes and some newspapers. They might be moving her out in a hurry, but Ty remembered all the knickknacks she had in her room, and he didn't want anything to break.

"Okay, now I'm ready." He starts up the engine again and pulls out onto the road, making sure Con is behind them.

The ride doesn't take too long, but it's a quiet one. Once they get to Libby's house outside of town, Ty parks in the driveway and takes a look around. "You think anybody's home?"

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