
His own fists

I'm fine.

Jason glares over at Alec where Nate was starting to help him.

Sorry about that. I didn't have time to keep you from feeling it too. Little misunderstanding over here.

Alec is still cowering in the corner, half scared of the dog and half angrier than anything about it. Having Nate's help, he gets to his feet, feeling his ankle throbbing with pain as it continued to bleed. He really didn't want much help right now, but he figured it was the best option. So he lets Nate support some of his weight as he limps down towards the hall. "Some dogs just oughta be shot," he mutters under his breath.

Jason glares at him as he walks by, one hand on Trooper's collar.

"What on earth is going on out here?" Right on time, Reese showed up to survey the damage, seeing the mangled cubicle, papers all over, blood on the floor, an uptight dog and Jason rubbing his jaw. He frowns and looks at Jason with hands on hips. "Care to explain?"

"Trooper cornered Alec." Jason shrugs. "I thought it was funny, Alec got mad, slugged me and Trooper went after him again."

"So where is he?"

"Nate took him to Rick."

"And the reason?"

"I think Trooper got his leg in his teeth." Jason shrugs. "I was on the floor at that point, but I see blood so it must be Alec's."

Reese's eyes narrow, his voice growing stern. "Did you tell Trooper to go after him?"

"Well no, but-"

"That's it!" Reese throws up his hands. "I am sick and tired of that dog getting out of hand, Jason!"

"He was just defending me!"

"I don't care!" Reese glares at him. "You shouldn't have thought it was funny and Alec shouldn't have hit you, but Trooper shouldn't have taken it to that extreme either."

"He was just doing his job!"

"He could kill somebody, Jason!" Reese shakes his head. "That dog is capable of tearing someone's throat out! Next time it might not just be a leg he gets between those teeth of his!"

Jason grits his teeth as his irritation builds. His hand held onto Trooper's collar firmly. "You can't blame him for doing his job."

"I can blame him for insubordination and brutality of those in our custody," Reese retorts. "He's bitten me, he's bitten two other prisoners, he's bitten Hal, and now Alec. This is the last straw. He's officially suspended from duty. Get him under control within three weeks, or he's going off the force for good."

"Aw come on!"

"It's either that, or he gets transferred to a K-9 unit and undergoes real training."

"What do you mean 'real' training? I've done a good job with him!"

"Not good enough!" Reese points to the door. "Take him out! Take him home and you get your hind end back here to finish off your own work day! But consider yourself warned, Hotshot. I won't tolerate another one of these incidents." Spinning on his heel, Reese stalks back to his office.

Jason wishes he had something he could hit, but he tries to keep a lid on it for Katie's sake.

I have to take Trooper home. I'll be back sometime.

From the other corner, Ty watches everything that was happening. He was going to ask Jason to bring Trooper with him and Libby but now... it looked like it was not the best day for that. Sighing, he looks around further until he sees someone else stand up. Perfect.

Alec continues to limp next to Nate, leaving a nice blood trail to the infirmary. The pain was almost numbing and it was hurting just to put any weight on that foot at all now. He felt stupid and angry with this whole thing.

Seeing Libby go rigid with fear to the noise that was going on out on the main floor, Rick instinctively moves a little closer, though he didn't want to scare her more. He didn't know what had happened to her, but it was apparent she was more than physically hurt. Ty had never mentioned a girl to him at all, and now this was his girlfriend? Rick wondered what situation she'd been in, though she seemed too sweet to have gotten into trouble herself.

"It's okay," he assures calmly. He had no idea what was going on out there, but he could at least act like it for her sake. "Just somebody getting rowdy. Kinda crazy around here sometimes." He winks at her. "Ty will be back... it's okay."

Suddenly the door opens and Rick looks up quickly to see Nate and Alec. "Good grief. What happened?"

Alec scowls at him. "Ask your resident four-legged menace," he mutters.

Rick's eyes widen. "Trooper? What did you do to him?"

"I didn't do anything!" Alec raises his voice, in no mood to be given a hard time.

Rick glances over to Libby quickly, then to Misty, nodding to her, silently asking her to watch over their frightened patient while he took care of Alec. Looking back to Alec, he frowns. "Keep your temper... where did he get you?"

Alec's eyes narrow. "Where the blood is, Doc. Where else do you think?"

Rick's eyebrows raise a little as he looks down at Alec's blood-soaked pantleg. It didn't look good. Kneeling down, he raises up his pantleg a little bit, giving it a quick glance to decide what needed to be done.

Still leaning on Nate and just standing dumbly as Rick looks at his leg, Alec's eyes roam to the table, not having realized that someone else was even there, let alone a young woman who looked downright terrified... not to mention, beat up. For a moment, his concentration is diverted as he stares at Libby's eyes. A brief flash in his mind brings a memory... a picture of another young woman he'd seen once with the same terror in her eyes... but the marks on her face had been from his own fists.

"Ow!" Alec jerks back to attention as Rick prods his wound.

Rick stands up and points to the extra bed. "Sit down. I'm gonna cut your jeans."


"Don't complain! I could make you go get into a gown."

Alec smirks. "Cut the jeans."

Rick motions to Nate. "Get him over there. I gotta stop that bleeding. Trooper did a good job on this one." He was a little worried about it. The wounds from the teeth were deep.

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