
Rather Cute

Keeping quiet herself Hope starts to walk again with Scott just letting the silence rain for now. Sometimes it was just nice to let the silence take over and think in the quiet.

Looking up at Scott again with his comment on his eating habit Hope gives a small nod. Knowing he was going to ask her to look after his eating felt good. It was nice to know he still did want her help. Letting her mind shift from what they had been talking about to this one here she gives a smile looking up at Scott again.

"I wouldn't mind at all to keep and eye on ya and help you with that. I'm good at nagging huh?"

Bumping Scott's shoulder lightly there was a little humor in her voice hoping to at least get him to smile a little bit. She missed his smile, and the light that shone in is eyes. It had been a long time since the last time she saw it.

"Almost a garinte Dalton would have no problem helping you out ether. Anyways I've been skipping meals myself lately witch is not good so if I remind you than I can remind myself too. We both need to keep our strength up."

Giving a laugh as the plates her food Ryan could hear Rick in the background and could not help but think it was to funny. She though it was way to much fun freaking him out.

"I think lunch out sounds nice, and as for keeping you mind off the pain..thats defiantly something I think I could handle. I just have to remember not to climb all over you because of your foot. Its gonna take alot of self control for that you know."

Bringing the plate over to the table Ryan sits down but doesn't start eating yet. She'd finish her conversation first than eat. She had a little time before being to work anyways. Taking her fork and poking at the food she just continues her conversation.

"Well Babe, I only have a half day today so I should be out by noon. If we eat at one that will give me some time to get clean up and out of my grubby work cloths. If thats ok with you."

Misty can't help the laugh that escaped her lips. She really didn't mind the way Ryan and Alec talked to each other it reminded her to much of Carson and herself. It was however funny to see how Rick reacted.

"And you though it would end with Carson and myself...guess you were wrong. I think they are rather cute."

Shaking her head a little and looking down at her paper work again the smile was still on Misty's face.

Giving a nod and heading out of the bedroom and into the kitchen Cassy starts on breakfast. By now she pretty much new her way around Leo's kitchen and felt good about using his stuff. It wasn't a big kitchen so it was easy to memories though it had that nice home feeling to it.

Almost done with the food and hearing Leo behind her the timing couldn't be better. She would hate if the food got cold before it got to him. Plating the food up she gives a small laugh at his comment about breakfast in bed.

"Ok, I guess I can give you that one without a shoe throwing at your head."

Turning with the plates of food Cassy grins and lets her eyes dance with humor. Setting Leo's plate down at the table and than her own she goes back to the fridge to pour some OJ for both of them before sitting down again.

"Would you like to say grace before we eat or do you want me to do it?"

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