

Quirking an eyebrow at Leo Cassy dosnt miss a beat throwing one of here socks at him that she had yet to put on hitting him in the head.

"Next time you say that I am going to throw a shoe."

Giving a little laugh and letting her eyes twinkle to show she wasn't mad at and was only messing around though she really did mean what she said next,

"If I had something else I needed to do, OR something better all together I wouldn't be here still. I am actually having a nice time taking care of my friend. After here I am just going to go over to the studio to practice a little anyways."

Reaching over and taking her sock from off Leo where she had thrown it Cassy gives another giggle and shakes her head slightly. She really didn't have anything better to do and not working only added to the dull daily humdrum of nothing.

"How about if it makes you feel better we can say you owe me one? Who knows when I might get sick and might need some attachen myself. So what do you think your tummy can handle this AM?"

Hearing her brothers voice Ryan gives a small laugh. She enjoyed cooking for someone other than just herself and knowing it smelled good made her feel good.

"Well I am happy it smells good because I made you some for on the go. You need to have a good breakfast in the morning."

Finishing up with what she was doing at the counter Ryan turns around to her brother holding a bagel with egg, bacon and cheese on it wrapped nicely in a napkin.

"I know you can't eat this while riding your bike but I figured you can at least eat it on the way out the door."

Ryan gives her brother a big smile. She'd made this just for him and she new he'd eat it and for that she was happy. It made her feel better to see him having a meal before going into work instead of just waiting till lunch.

"So did you decide what your gonna do with your lady friend, non girlfriend that maybe you kissed, and cant stop thinking about friend?"

Walking with Scott Hope didn't mind. It was nice to just enjoy the fresh air with him and not be in the stuffy hospital. Just being with Scott was nice.

Coming to the small flower garden it was nice to see spring was finally coming. The cold weather had stayed around for far to long now. Feeling Scott behind her and his arms around her felt so good. Just having him there always felt good. Even being in a place like this Scott was always more than a man to Hope and she never though any less of him.

Leaning against Scott slightly Hope lets her head back to rest against his shoulder. Listing to what he had to say and just looking at all the flowers.

"I can see where Dr. Hawks is coming from on that one, and I think he might be right. Did it make you upset that he said that?"

Waiting for his answer but only receving his next question it made Hope's heart ach. It had been a long time since Scott had asked that and now that he did again it almost felt like maybe she really had failed. To see that look of suffering in his eyes it hurt so much. Pulling away just a little but only enough to turn and face him his arms still around her Hope lets out a small sigh.

"No, but I'm not making that decsition anymore Scott. I can't take telling you no anymore it hurts to much every time I have to. So now I leave it in your hands if you go or stay and I'll love you just the same ether way. But I do think your not ready to go yet. It might suck but your starting to move forward here, and if you leave now your going to be throwing it all down the drain. Thats only what I think though."

Leaning into Scott Hope gives him a soft kiss on the lips before backing up just a little to search his eyes. She loved him so much words could not be put on it. And her heart broke every time she could give Scott what he wanted but now...now she would let it in his hands and hope for the best.

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