

Alec holds in a laugh, his eyes narrowing slyly at Ryan's comment, a grin toying at his lips. He still had a little bit of beer left so he takes another swig, letting it go down slowly before slinging a comeback.

"I don't know... it's like chocolates, 'cept I'm not allowed to have the whole box." His crooked smile twitches. "Eating just a few morsels could be considered quite cruel. So wouldn't it be better to avoid that dessert altogether?"

Drinking down the last bit of beer, he sets the bottle back on the table with a little clink, just sitting lazily in the kitchen chair, one arm hanging over the back. He knew exactly where Ryan stood without even needing to ask. There was an air about her... confident... sly... seductive. But when it really came down to it, Alec knew good and well that she would choose to remain on this side of a very serious line. And should he cross that line himself, forgiveness on her part would not come easily if at all.

His grin turns into a full smile. "You're pure torture, McKade. And the only thing that makes it worse is that you're fully aware of that fact and I'm left at your mercy."

Seeing Scarlet finally lay back on the rock, Eli's glad that she trusted him enough to relax too. Though the temptation to pull her into his arm was almost too much to resist. He manages to keep still, remembering his promise.

His smile returns though at her question, and he thinks while focusing on the fireworks. "Mm... if I told you what secrets were behind my eyes, then there would be no more mystery. My handsome gaze might turn boring and I'd never get a date with a girl again."

Turning his head to see her, he laughs before looking back to the sky. "Nothing hides... it just takes people a while to find what they're looking for. Gaze too deeply into a man's eyes, though, and one might see more than they want to." His hint hung in the cool air, that there were things about him someone might not want to know.

"I like dogs, rock n' roll and a good steak," he concludes, breaking the odd moment. "Your turn. What's behind those sapphire eyes?"

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