

Still grinning Scarlet looks up into the mirror and watches Eli with Becky. She can feel her own heart race. Knowing the waitress had nothing to do with this she couldn't help but till feel a little something bubble inside of her.


Leaning into Scarlet to take her empty bottle Jimmy gives a chuckle a smile strong in his face and his eyes dancing with humor.

"Its looks like you've been one upped Scarlet."

Throwing Jimmy a dirty look Scarlet looks back to Tal and gives a shake of her head and a chuckle. Eli had one upped her but this wasn't the end. However, there was no way she could kiss Tal and not mean it. The look in his eye said this had hardly been totally a joke to him.

"Sorry, not gonna happen. I can't kiss you and than walk a way. Thats just not fair to you. It was fun while it lasted, make sure Jimmy gives you another beer on my tab."

Scarlet gives him a pat to the arm and stands taking her jacket from the back of the chair. Heading around the bar like she was going to the bathroom Scarlet heads Becky off who's cheeks were still flushed.

"I can take it from here Becky."

Taking the shot of whiskey and the beer Scarlet comes around the far way behind Eli so he couldn't see her. Bringing the shot and the beer over his shoulders she holds them out for him bring her lips down by his ear. Her breath soft, moving over his ear as she talked.

"That kiss looked pretty good there lover boy, but lets see if I can do better."

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