
That one saying

Giving Alec one last smile and a shake of her head Ryan leaves the room and TJY. Making it back to the auto shop in record time she new she was going a little faster than she probably should have but she made it there just the same.

Entering she doesn't say anything to anyways but keeps her head down. She eyes had long been dried from tears though a small sad glint still seemed to settle there. It was hard coming back here know Leo was not far away. She have to look at him and know how she hurt him. She did feel horrible about it more than anyone would ever know. But she made her bed, and now she had to lay in it.

Going to her work bench Ryan grabs the tools she would need throwing her jacket over the bench. Without saying anything more she pops the hood on the car and gets to work, trying to fix it as fast as she can knowing they were backed up right now.

Shaking her head as she enters the bunk a little chuckle slips her lips. He didn't have a bit of his seance of humor still and that was a good thing.

"Eric Eric...You realize I am going to have to tell your sister about this right? And she is going to give you a worse tong lashing than I am. Are you sure you only want one pain killer?"

Giving a shake of her head Angel opens her bag handing needles to Jim one with the pain killer and one with the antibiotic.

"Can you give him these while I clean and dress the wound. Along with changing the IV bag."

Wasting no time Angel starts on cleaning the wound. It looked a little better from yesterday but not by much. She could only hope it would continue to get better with a little time.

Just feeling Sparky's arm around her it made Faith feel so good. His comfort, his love flowing from him to her. It made her feel everything would be ok.

Leaning her head up a little to look Sparky in the eyes Faith's tears slowly die. She wish she never had to leave his arms but she know that sooner or later she would have to. So mustering what stragnth she had Faith pulls away a little and gives a soft smile.

"Thank you Sparky for everything you have given me."

Bringing a hand to his face she new she might never be able to say what she felt again. So she better now before it was to late knowing he wouldn't think her crazy.

"I love you so much!"

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