
Hang in there

Leo drops his wrench for the third time, this time a curse slipping out under his breath. Muttering to himself he crawls under the car to pick it up, only to bonk his head on the bumper as he comes back up. "Aw for cryin' out loud. You mangy piece of junk."

Miles is standing nearby with eyebrows raised. Leo had been ticked off since lunchtime and it was so unusual that everyone noticed. "Not the car's fault," he muses. "Settle down. What's the problem?"

Leo leans on the open engine and just stares at all the parts. "The problem is that I don't have the brains of a jack rabbit."

"Oh stop, you do too. What happened at lunch anyway? I thought you and Ryan were going out."

"We did." Leo starts working again, keeping his temper at bay. "And it was the last time."

Miles cleans some more tools, looking surprised. "You can't give up just 'cause of one spat. C'mon."

"Just drop it, Miles," Leo hisses. "It's over between Ryan and me."

"It was once before, too."

"And that's when my brain capacity came in. I never should have tried for a second round."

Miles still isn't convinced, and it didn't help that he was bored at the moment. "So what was it? An argument over who gets to drive or what?"

"Miles!" Leo glares at him. "It's none of your business!"

"Sorry! Just... talking."

Leo sighs and shakes his head, fiddling with a part he couldn't get loose. "She's got another guy."

"What?" Miles' eyes widen. "Naw..."

"Yip. Oh, she wouldn't admit she had a thing going with anyone else... but I know better."

"What if you're wrong? I mean-"

"I'm not wrong!" Leo snaps. "I was there! I saw it in her eyes. I keep replaying what she said over and over in my head, and there's just no other way to explain it."


"Yeah, oh." Leo growls as he can't get the engine part loose. "I wish the other guy good luck, 'cause he's gonna need it." Movement catches his eye and he glances up to see another car pulling up. "Great. And we don't even have the end bay open because Ryan isn't back yet. I have half a mind to-"

"To what?" Miles gives him a look of warning. "You better settle down before Darell hears you. It sucks but chill... you don't want to lose your job too."

"You better be." Alec gives Ryan a sly look as he lets her go for the door. "I'd say call me but..." He gestures around the room. "They haven't gotten as far as letting me have a phone yet."

Smirking, he waves her out. "Get going before you get fired."

Jim's worry shows in his eyes and he nods at Angel's grim prognosis. "I know. I've seen it in horses, but this turns my stomach. I'll do what I can to help."

Getting into Eric's bunk again, Eric hears them enter, but keeps his eyes closed. "Beware the sick," he mumbles groggily. "Enter at your own risk."

Jim gives Angel a wry grin. "At least he still has his sense of humor."

"I don't got any sense of anything," Eric responds. "Just gimme another pain killer... that'll... tide me over."

Jim sighs. "Hang in there, buddy. Just rest."

Sparky's arms automatically wrap around Faith, drawing her into a strong hug. "Oh, hon... it's okay... shhh." He rocks her a little, kissing her head and holding her. Today was a day he had to be the strong one. And though it hurt, it's what he would do - for Faith.

"It's all gonna be okay. God's gonna take care of you, no matter what." No matter what..... whether he saw Faith when she woke up or had to wait until the day he died, he would see her again. That much he knew.

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