

David can't help a grin as Angelica brings his face down to her level. But her kiss to his cheek just produces a sigh he can't contain, even though a small chuckle follows.

"Angelica... why do you torture me so? You've been doing it for years. Call me a fool for not giving up long ago. You really are something."

Just looking at her, he searches her eyes. Was she really so clueless? Did she really not see the look in his own eye that begged her to return his affection? He hadn't wanted a token peck on the cheek - was she toying with him? Brushing him off? Or just completely in the dark? He places his bet on the last one.

Leaning in closer to her, it's his turn to lift a hand, and it goes to cradle the side of Angelica's face, his warm palm caressing her soft cheek. "How many hints does a man have to drop?" he asks quietly. "I'm clean out, and all I have left is a blatant statement." He looks deeply into her eyes, searching them, wanting them. "I guess my plea is guilty... guilty of having you in my sights from day number one."

Cocking his head, he closes the gap between them, pressing his lips tenderly to hers. He doesn't force it and doesn't rush, but lets the kiss linger gently with a warm passion. Pulling back, his hand his still on her cheek. "Come back with me," he begs softly. "When this is all over, come back with me to California."

"They don't like us," Theo blurted in disbelief, breaking the strange silence. "I can't believe it."

Erik blinked. They'd all been so hyped up and so hopeful... it seemed too sudden to realize just now that the band wasn't liked. Their whole future was riding on this one day.

Twila bit her lip and looked at the rest of the band, then down to Alice and Karla, searching for some reassurance. Russ ran a hand over his face and paced a little, his guitar still hanging from his shoulder. Kip sat back on his stool, feeling his shoulders sagging. There was no doubt. Just looking back and seeing Tanya and Zeke conversing, the blindest person could see that they were seconds away from telling them thanks but no thanks.

Kyle gives Alice a last look, something changing in his eyes. Maybe it was realization. Maybe it was determination. Maybe it was even a bit of craziness. Spinning back around, he points to Theo. "Click us off for More to Life."

Theo looks at him, dumbfounded. "What? Our two songs are over, man."

"I don't care, click us off or I will."

Erik's eyebrows rise. "Kyle, what are you doing? More to Life isn't what I'd call easy listening."

"That's just it." Kyle holds out his hands and looks around at all the others. "We came at this all wrong, don't you see? We were too scared to be ourselves."

"But we didn't want to scare them off," Russ argues.

"Why not?" Kyle shakes his head. "Sure, we came at it thinking we better behave and play nice. Why wouldn't we? It seems logical. But these guys aren't looking for what's already out there. Sure, we gave the first song our twist, but face it - it was an old song. And Remind Me... It's great for a mid-concert lull, but these guys are obviously looking for something more. Something different. They're looking for us, and we haven't yet given us to them."

Twila isn't so sure, and she squints a little. "I don't know, Kyle... maybe we're too different for them. That's what we were trying to avoid."

"Well what on earth do we have to lose now?" Kyle counters. "If you wanna back out now, Twila, go ahead. The stairs are in front of you. But I'm going to show them who we are whether they asked for it or not." He looks to Theo again. "You gonna click us off or am I gonna have to stand here and do this myself?"

Shaking his head, Theo finally grins and holds up his drumsticks. "They don't even have the sound system on, you know?"

Kyle smiles from ear to ear. "Then we'll just have to play loud."

Tonya and Zeke had just turned their mic back on to speak to the band again, when suddenly, they're met with music. Confused and looking a bit displeased, Zeke finally switches on the sound so they could at least hear what was going on.

The band started up again, this time in full swing. Kyle's hands flew down his keyboard, his voice coming in at just the right time.

You look both ways before you cross the street and,
You make sure you're not late.
You kiss your mama goodbye just like you know you oughta,
You know better than to make a debate.

But you're tired.
You think you're doin' everything right.
But you're tired.
You doin' all that you been taught.
Hey, hey, hey!

Twila's and Kip's voice join in to harmonize the backup vocals on this song that Kyle had written only a month before. It was upbeat. It was full of energy and it was different. Twila's electric violin sang amidst the other instruments, giving the song an edge that was unique to them. Kyle's voice was stronger than ever, passion flowing through him.

There's more to life than eatin' your veggies,
There's more than you can see.
Some people like it livin' under a bushel,
But you gotta believe there's something more out there.
There's more to life than keepin' your manners,
There's more than you been shown.
Some people like to camp out in their own boxes,
But you gotta believe there's something more out there.
You gotta believe there's something more out there.
Hey, hey, hey!

Kyle jumps up and down just as if they were playing to a concert of hundreds instead of just two in the back row. Giving up the keyboard, he grabs his mic and wanders across the stage, bouncing and totally ignoring Tonya and Zeke, but pointing directly to Alice - his most valued audience.

You take your quarter put it in the parking meter and,
You wave to the kid on the bike.
You never got a ticket driving up to see your grandma,
You gave six dollars to the guy with bad luck.

But you're tired.
You think you've got it all down pat.
But you're tired.
You're living just like they told you how.
Hey, hey, hey!

There's more to life than eatin' your veggies,
There's more than you can see.
Some people like it livin' under a bushel,
But you gotta believe there's something more out there.
There's more to life than keepin' your manners,
There's more than you been shown.
Some people like to camp out in their own boxes,
But you gotta believe there's something more out there.
You gotta believe there's something more out there.
Hey, hey, hey!

Back to the keyboard, Kyle's energy doesn't cease. Sweat ran down the sides of his face as the others follow suit, playing their heart out. Whether Tonya and Zeke liked them or not, they were playing their hearts out.

Livin' like a robot isn't gonna get you nowhere.
Livin' like a droid just isn't gonna win the game
You gotta love in your heart,
Have faith in the unseen,
You gotta give your life away to the One who gave it to ya.
Hey, hey, hey!

There's more to life than eatin' your veggies,
There's more than you can see.
Some people like it livin' under a bushel,
But you gotta believe there's something more out there.
There's more to life than keepin' your manners,
There's more than you been shown.
Some people like to camp out in their own boxes,
But you gotta believe there's something more out there.
You gotta believe there's something more out there.
Hey, hey, hey!

The intentional abrupt stop to the music creates a deathly echo in the room as a sudden silence takes over. Everyone was breathing heavily, hearts pounding. And Kyle looks with defiance to the back, staring straight into the eyes of Tonya and Zeke. His body language seemed to say, 'Try that on for size.'

The two agents exchange glances, and Tonya leans over to hit the mic, hesitating before she spoke through the speakers. "Kyle Mitts... and the rest of you..." She looks back to Zeke, then back to the band. "Why on earth did you show us that in the first place? You guys are awesome."

"Yes!" Kip throws up his hands and Theo's drumsticks go flying. Erik's eyes widen and he and Russ do a little happy dance right there on the stage.

Tonya can't help a little laugh. "Settle down, guys. I don't know what we can offer you, but take off your gear and come to the office so we can talk it over."

Chatter erupts as instruments are shed and a few whoops of excitement are let out. But amidst the fun, Kyle is still standing behind his keyboard, silent. He's leaning on the keyboard, his head bent, seeming to be completely set apart from the rest of the band.

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