

Giving a small chuckle and standing with Leo Cassy nods a little. Now she had something to look forward to this weekend rather than just spending the time alone doing nothing.

"This weekend sounds great. Thanks Leo."

Walking with Leo to the door Cassy didn't want the laughter to end but she new it had too. It was getting late, and they both needed bed. She'd see him again for sure this weekend.

"Dinner was no trouble. Felt good to cook again. Have a great night Leo."

Giving a wave and watching him pull out of the parking lot Cassy stands in the door way even after the tail lights are gone. Letting out a small sigh and taking in a deep breath of air Cassy finally goes back inside. Dishes awaited her, and than a little relaxation before bed.

Looking down at the young man Dan could see the pain that lied behind his eyes. There was a deeper pain there that was hard for anyone to see but Dan did take note to it.

Giving a light chuckle Dan still leans on the shovel for a long moment as he contemplates his own answer.

"Yeah Mick can be a hard butt thats for sure. I've had the blunt end of his words a few times myself. Taking some getting use to but in time you do, and you just realize thats Mick and he is only trying to do whats best. Even if we don't see it."

Pushing off the shovel and starting to throw some of the manure and hay into the barrel again Dan is quiet for a long moment before turning to Dylan once more.

"When you hold your shovel try holding it firmer in your hands. The less it slides around the less chance you will get blisters. Don't get me wrong though your hands will still hurt, and you will get rough spots on your hand but non of those annoying bubbles."

Handing Dylan his shovel back Dan shows him how to grip the handle tight, and where to but his hands.

"You also are gonna want to lift with your legs not your back. Last thing you wanna feel is turning the wrong way and throwing something out of wack."

Continuing to work helping Dylen its not time before the wheel barrel is full again. Though still stuck where Dylan had the problem before it was full, and the last stall cleaned. Putting his shovel down and moving close to the wheel barrel Dan explains once more.

"When your moving the wheel barrel your going to want to grip both the hands closer to the base like this..."

Dan does a quick demonstration.

"..It gives you more leverage and control on if the barrel will tip or not. Here, you try."

Dan steps out of the way to let Dylan try to push the wheel barrel the way he showed him.

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