
God and I

As Alec moves closer Ryan can already feel her heart beat start to pick up. Just the simple presence of him next o her sent the emotions and feelings through her body like nothing else she ever felt. Just letting the first kiss continue Ryan returns the passion, the emotions, just letting them wash over like a blanket.

When he pulls away to kiss her eyes, and than her nose Ryan can feel the breath catch in her throat as she tells herself to breath. Her own words coming out in a whisper before Alec comes back to her lips once again.

"For some reason I think...you do have what I am missing."

Feeling another kiss by Alec Ryan's eyes fall shut again taking in the kiss for as long as it last. Only to open her eyes once again with the same saucy grin on her face as Alec pulls away.

Finally getting out of the car and into the house Ryan has no problem just letting Alec rome the house. She didn't really have anything of value that he could take if he wanted to, but she trusted he wouldn't.

Going into the kitchen and opening the fridge Ryan looks into it seeing what they have.

"Yeah, my older brother Eli lives with me. He's at work right now so you wont be able to meet him, maybe another time. Or since your only taking a half hour now for lunch maybe Reese will give you the other hour your in titled tonight and you can come see my race. You can meet my brother than."

Standing up again Ryan closes the fridge before turning to face Alec again her back against the counter. Bracing her hands behind her Ryan lifts herself up to sit on the counter top her legs swinging.

"So the ruling is, we have pizza, hamburgers, pasta, or....we can make a lunch out of dessert.."

The fire in Ryan's eyes dance rapidly as the saucy grin returns to her face. Just letting her last sentience hang in the air for a moment before continuing.

"...because there is some chocolate cake left and whip cream too."

Compassion shown in Hope's eyes for Scott. What was she to do that she hadn't already. Everything she could think of doing had been tried and failed. What else could she do?

"Scott..would you let me come stay with you in your extra room for a little while? I'm scared of you being alone, and maybe if I was there with you I could help you better, and it might make you feel safe."

Taking a bit of her wrap Hope falls quiet again, she didn't know what Scott would think of this or if he would even agree. She hoped he would consider thought.

"I care to much to just turn around and not see whats going on Scott. I know you trying, and I know you want to figure it out but please...let me help you each day. Its easier to hold a burden when you know there is someone who has your back and will help carry the load. God and I want to help...will you let us?"

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