

Scott's eyes drop, though his fingers run over Hope's. "You haven't failed me," he assures quietly. "Don't ever think that, okay?"

He looks back up at her, wanting her to accept that. "You've never failed me... all you've ever done is be there for me when I needed you. If anyone's failed it's me and I just haven't figured out how to fix things yet."

Sighing, his shoulders droop a little. He'd thrown himself into his photography and to the outsider he would look incredibly busy and fulfilled. But if one looked closer, he was so weary. His weight loss had gradually continued and he was tired... tired of fighting.

"I miss us too," he mentions softly. "I just... I'm not good company right now. All I do is replay nightmares in my mind, rehash data and try to get it all out of my head. I don't... I don't like me right now. I'm not who I want to be but I haven't found the key yet to getting back to where I need to be. I had it once.... just a glimpse... I thought I'd conquered the monsters. But they're back and seem stronger this time. I feel like..."

He searches Hope's eyes. He was serious when he said this... there was no joking, even if it sounded like a teasing phrase. He'd never been more serious. "I feel like I'm going crazy."

Axel looks between Ryan and Alec with reservations but says nothing. He wasn't so sure about this, but it really was none of his business. He nods to Ryan and gives Alec one last suspicious glance before returning to his tools.

Alec looks down at Ryan, jerking his head towards Axel. "Nervous fellow, eh?" He aims Ryan towards the open door. "I don't care where we go. Anywhere but TJY. As far as the ride goes though..." He gestures to a pickup parked at the far end of the parking lot. It was Jason's. "I got an escort from here to the police station for a nice little interview with the chief, supposedly. That's why I only got half an hour."

He pauses as he slides into the passenger side of Ryan's car and waits for her. "However... I think forty-five minutes would do just as well. Unless you grew bored with scientific experiments and that's why I haven't seen you."

Many things lingered in his eyes. There was irritation for his little exchange with Axel that he'd hidden so well. There was weariness from long days of interrogation. There was the same desperate desire for freedom that had yet to be released. There was question as to why he really hadn't seen Ryan lately.

"Yeah... you too." Leo watches Cassy leave, waving out the door. He shrugs and aims back for the garage. Helping Cassy would be something different to do and at least it was a good deed rather than a waste of time.

Just as he gets back into the garage, he sees Alec and Ryan leaving, their arms around each other. His stomach churns as an untamed anger boils down deep. Great. Alec was coming here now. Just what he wanted.

Sparky gives a little chuckle. "I don't care if you're bald for the rest of your life - as long as you're with me."

He squeezes her hand. "You've been out over a week. Going on two, I guess. I've lost track of time." His thumb runs over her hand gently. "Yeah... I've been here the whole time."

Mick leans back in the office chair, looking through another file and shakes his head. After getting in deeper to all that had gone on while he'd been away, he was finding Sparky's fingerprints in everything. "Rosetta..." He continues to flip through pages. "When I was told Sparky helped out, I had no idea it was this much..." His voice showed his surprise. "There's hardly anything he didn't do or at least help with. He basically took over my tasks completely didn't he?"

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