

Entering the auto shop Ryan lets out a yawn before taking a sip of her coffee. It had been a long night of spending more time with her brother and his new toy, and than restless sleep as she tossed and turned.

"Hey, are you two gloating about being ahead again? Haven t you learned that means nothing most of the time?"

Giving a grin Ryan heads into the break room to throw her cup out, and than back out into the docking bay. Going over to Leo she gives him a kiss that linger for a few moments before moving back to her work area. Throwing her jacket over the chair by her work bench she glances over at Leo again and gives a wink.

"I kind of like his Santa hat. Its only been one day why not share the cheer a little more."

Swiveling around in her chair for a moment Ryan seemed a little hyper today witch was surprised seeing as how little sleep she got. Maybe the coffee was kicking in faster than normal.

Letting her mind wonder Ryan's thoughts drift to Alec for a moment wondering what he was doing now. Maybe she could get out of work a little early and go see him! Was that really a smart idea?

Giving her head a shake almost as if remembering she was at work Ryan trys to clear her mind. That was the last thing she wanted to think about at the moment.

"So what go we got on the agenda for today?"

Taking a swig of Mountain Dew Dalton answer's the phone. Classical music can be heard playing in the background. He figured Scott wouldn't be in today wanting to spend more time with Hope so he had his music up higher than normal. But hearing Scott's shaky voice on the other end Dalton is alert and spinning in his chair to turn the music off and listen to Scott better.

"Scott...what...what are you talking about?"

Listing to Scott a little clear this time Dalton still didn't understand completely, yesterday had been Christmas, Scott would of been with Hope. But if this is what Scott wanted him to check he would.

"Ok, give me one second to access the information."

Keeping Scott on the other line Dalton does as he is asked. Clicking on a keyboard in the background can be heard proving he was fast at work with Scott's request.

It takes no time for Dalton to pull up the information he needed. Scanning things over, and looking through files. the security, and everything else that could be leaked outside.

"Scott...everything looks fine. No security has been hacked, nothing has been transferred out. Everything is as we left it before Christmas. Whats going on? Are you ok?"

Enter the dinning room BJ trots behind Rosetta. He was ready to spend the day doing...little boy stuff. Maybe even help Mick a little. Looking around the dinning room like most of the people did when they entered, BJ's little eyes see his big brother sitting at a table alone.

Going over to the table BJ struggles a little to get the chair across from Dylan out but finally does. Waddling his butt a little bit he climbs up the chair and sits down. Folding his arms onto the table he leans his head down onto them copying Dylan like he had the other day. Finally lifting his head a little to peek out eye out, a smile forms on his face.

"Good Morning Big Brother."

Making her way over to the table where Mick sat Rosetta comes up behind him and wraps her arms around his neck. Leaning down to give him a hug and kiss.

"Morning. How did you sleep lastnight?"

It was so good to have her husband back again. This went smoothly while he was gone but it just was not the same. She hated the feeling of not having him there. But now he was back, he was better.

Holding Sparky's hand in her own after he brushed away her hair Faith just wanted to feel him close. Looking up at him her eyes were bright, and there was a tiny bit of fear that layed behind them. It scared her to think this could be her last day with someone she had just met, and fallen so completely in love with so fast.

"I don't care what we do, as long as its with you."

Bringing Sparky's hand to her mouth Faith gives it a gentile kiss before resting her cheek against it for a long moment. Finally looking up into Sparky's eyes again Faith gives a small smile.

"It's been a long time since I've had anyone ask me what I'd like to do. So, I think it should be a take it as it comes day. Climb a moutain, ride some horses, go for a picnic, the movies...as long as the day is with you I am completely happy and have gotten more than I dreamed of.

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