
Knight in shinning amour

Ryan can't help but laugh at Leo, He always did make her smile. Though with that tight of an agenda Ryan didn't know if she would be able to see Alec or not. If she couldn't get a little time in than maybe it was the best for now. She'd just let the cards fall and if she got time, she did.

"Ok, that sounds good but what about work wise you goofball."

Ryan gives a laugh again not being able to help her smile. What would it be like without Leo's jokes? It seemed like work would just be to long.

Leaning back in his chair and giving a long sigh Dalton felt so bad for his little friend. He was at such a war with his mind, and didn't know what to do. But he would do what Scott asked if it put his own mind at ease.

"Ok, yeah I got it set up. Will you come and stay with me for a few days so you and Domino wont have to be alone?"

Dalton didn't know what else to do for his friend, but if this helped than at least it was something. He couldn't sit by and do nothing while Scott suffered anymore.

BJ continues to look across the table at Dylan. Turning his head a little bit trying to process his words. BJ was smart and understood but he was trying to figure out why he would say that.

"Yesh you are. Dad even said so, and your dad is my dad, and your mom is my mom, and your older dan me. So dat means your my older brother."

Giving a smile to Dylan, BJ didn't understand about step mom's and dads, or even that Rosetta and Mick were his adopted parents. To him it was all the same.

"How tum you don't like it here? Its pretty, and you family is here. I like having you here."

BJ did always want a sibling, and now that he had some he wanted to do more stuff with him, not getting the hint he wasn't wanted there.

Rosetta gives a smile to Mick she was happy wanted to go out and work the horse. It was nice to know he had lost his touch or love for it. Most of the day today she would more than likely be in the office catching up on some stuff. She liked Mick wanted to come in.

"The books always have and always be open to you Mick. You don't have to ask to look at them. As long as you put them back in the right spot so I can find them again."

Giving a smile Rosetta takes Mick's hand and gives it a small squeeze. She was really proud of him and all he was doing. It was still gonna be a long road, but there was light at the end of the tunnel.

Looking up at Sparky Faith just gazes into his eyes seeming to get lost in them. They told a story, of this mans life and some might only think they saw the old tired look but to Faith, she saw so much more. She saw life in them and love...its what drew her in.

"I'd like that very much. To me that sounds like a perfect day."

Feeling Sparky step close she could feel his warmth. It was an amazing feeling that left her feeling so safe. Bringing a hand up to the said of his face Faith gives a small smile her fingers mapping his cheek bone.

"I've never had someone hold me all night before. It would be an honor for that person to be you. Your an amazing person Tyler. Even better than the knight in shinning amour because your real."

Faith new Sparky would understand what she was saying and not think she was taking the comment down a whole another road.

Leaning up to kiss his lips gentile Faith pulls away a little her own eyes held a tiny tear in them. Though she had only just met Sparky not so long ago, the feelings, the love she had for him grew so fast and now to think that after today she might be leaving him..it hurt.

Giving a small she smiles again this time a little bigger. If this was her last day, she wanted to leave giving Sparky good memories. She'd keep her chin up, and enjoy this time they had.

Holding Jade's hand as they continued down the road Dan couldn't help but the small laugh that came from his lips. He new it was going to be hard telling Mick about them, but it had to be done. All he could do was hope for the best.

"After dealing with your grandmother, Mick is a peace of cake."

Giving a laugh Dan tried to make a joke out of it to lighten the mood. Though he really new it wasn't something to joke about. He just wanted to see Jade smile about it.

"Your Dad, we will...keep out head up and tell him without fear, but we will be respectful. With any luck he might understand."

Looking over at Jade, Dan brings her hand to his lips and gives it a small kiss before grinning back at her.

"I love you Jade, if your dad can't see that...I can't turn away now, I've fallen to far."

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