

Starting to put a few of the gifts under the tree Sapphire gives a small laugh about her brother knowing about cars. He always was the smart one when it came to that stuff. Sure Sapphire could find her way around with the small things and new how to drive, but if you really wanted to learn everything inside and out, Scott was the right person.

"He always did catch on to things faster than I did. I can drive, change the oil, and tell when something is differnt but it ends there for me. I am sure he will continue to be able to teach you after work. Learning from the best of the best is smart."

Stopping for a moment letting Gage's next sentence sink in. Hearing the tone in his voice Sapphire could tell something just wasn't right. It was almost like his first day with her all over again, he was quiet, and didn't look at her at all.

"Gage, Did something happen today? Just...something doesn't seem right."

Dalton sat at his desk half watching his computer screen and half keeping an eye on Scott. Over the last few week, and than again today he has been noticing something different with him. What it was he wasn't sure but it seemed like he was more on edge and his anger was flaring. That alone was defiantly something not like Scott.

As the thud of the can hits the floor and the slam of the desk Dalton finally turns from the computer full on to see his friend. He really was only doing some extra stuff for Angelica anyways. It could wait for now.

Not saying anything for a moment Dalton just watches him as a little bit of worry hits his eyes. Scott had been doing so well over the last months, and if something was truly wrong Hope would have seen it right? But there defiantly was something that didn't sit well with him.

"You better take it easy on the desk there it has feelings too you know!"
Sitting up a little straighter in his chair Dalton new his humor was flat, but he guessed Scott should be use to that by now. He almost always cracked jokes to his friend trying to work on making them better even though he failed over and over again.

"Everything ok? You seem a little more agitated than normal."

A smile spreads on Thirteen's face again as she looks up at Ryder. Her eyes meet his and a warm feeling runs through her veins. For the first time, Ryder needed her as much as she needed him and it made her feel good. Giving a little nod she would agree.

"Ok, its a deal but..even after the plane ride can we hold hands too?"

As Jade leans into him Dan once again wraps his arms around her. One over her shoulder and the other around her wast. Once more her words that she wanted to say here with him sinking in. Did she really fall for him this fast?

"Mmm...You can use me for a pillow for a while if you like. Your keeping that half of my body warm."

Leaning his head down Dan kiss the top of Jade's head. The smell of her soft perfume filling his nose and tangoing with his senses. Forever was a long time and he has almost had it once. Was he really ready to be saying those words again? Dan new the answer to that question without even asking it.

Making her way through TJY Jess had no problem remembering where the extra bedroom was. She had spent much time there herself and would always remember its placing. Giving a small knock Jess opens the door and pops her head in a smile spread across her face.

"I hope you decent because I got Boston Market and I was way to hungry to go right back out this door again!!"

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