

Continuing to keep her head in Axel's lap her eyes scan his never leaving his face as he listened to his voice mail. She studied his face trying to make out what the phone call was about. Often she liked to do that, just watch and observe rather than ask. Once he was off the phone again though and he had told her about the call a smile spreads across her face.

"Oh that's great new Axel. It is worth a shot, and if it works that means you can go back to the shop. Less time with me, but I know you love working there."

Reaching her arms up to wrap around his neck but not move her head Jess eyes showed her own excitment.

"I am so excited for you. But you know what this means while you heal right? I get to take care of you."

A smile spreads across Amada's face at JT's comment. Though she felt bad for him and Bree it felt nice to his comment about her. JT could never repay her for this, because she would never want him to. This was just something she had done for her friend out of kindness.

"Just continue to be yourself, and to be there for Bree. Thats all I need as payment. This had been quite an adventure that I am sure is hardly over."

Giving his hand a gentil pat Amanda's smile never fades. She wanted to be strong for JT, and be some some kind of strangth and hidding her own worry would do that, that she had no problem.

"Oh our own shyness kept us from saying hi. It happens, and we are friends now so that is important. Right?"

Getting David call and confirming his was on his way, Angelica gathers her own things together. Putting everything she would need in her briefcase before heading out.

She wasnted dressed to fancy so she was hopping David wouldnt be eather. Just a black valure shirt, and a pare of form fitting jeans alone with her black dress winter boots was her atire. And a gold chain hung around her neck with a locked at the end.

Getting the Mom and Pop's a while before David would be there, Angelica gives a nice little place to sit away from people so they wouldn't bother them, but a big enough table to spread everything out.

Hearing the bell on the door ring Angelica looks up. A smile spreads across her face as she sees David. He looked different from the last time she had seen him, more relaxed and comfortable than stiff. Angelica couldnt help but think he looked really good.

"David...its so good to see you."

Angelica leans across the table giving him a friendly hug and a quick kiss on the cheek, her own way of saying hello to a long time friend.

Just giving him a once over again a bigger smile spreads on her face. It really was good seeing her friend again. And catching up sounded good though she new it wouldnt take to long. She was a workaholic like always so there wasnt much to tell.

" Ok we can dig a little but not for two long we have much to do and not a lot of time. You do look like your doing very well for yourself."

Aerith walks over to the table a tired but plesent smile on her face. Seeing Angelica many times before she new who she was.

"Can I get you anything to drink Sir or drink? And Miss Lockheart anything else for you?"

Aerith didn't need a pad of paper she had a good memorie when it came to this kind of stuff.

Giving a smile to Areith Angelica gives a small nod to her.

"A cup of coffee black would be good, and I think i am going to go with the grilled chicken salad Aerith. Thank you."

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