
Better than....

Smiling Angelica listens to everything David said about the firm in Cali with much intent. Nodding her head here and there listing intently.

"Oh, fresh out of law school is the best way to get them. Don't have to break any habits, and you get to teach them your way."

Taking a sip of her coffee Angelica lets the liqued slip down her throat as she study David for a long moment. The smile spreading across her face again as she held her warm up. Cocking her head to one side for a moment.

"You goof, I miss you too if thats what your getting at. Sometimes being solo is just not the same as having someone else at your side"

She'd never trade where she was now, working for TJY it was the best and felt like her calling. Helping those who needed and being able to defend friends, it was a great feeling. But sometimes the past would still sneak up and remind her of old times, and what she left behind.

"Well, at least we still can talk, and occasionally see each other right?"

Listing to JT Amanda smiles and gives a little shake of her head. She new what he ment about hiding in work. You would see so many injured people one would wonder how it could be a shelter at all but knowing you helped those people that were dieing it was comforting knowing you helped save someone.

"No its not silly. It made a lot of scene actually."

Moving on the bed again as she thought for a moment Amanda moves back on the bed next to JT. Leaning her back aganst the wall she puts her feet out in front of her.

"Mmmm...a beach sounds nice, like the Caribbean, or Hawaii But I could simply settle for camping too."

Leaning her head back on the wall for a long moment Amanda is quiet as she thinks about being someplace nice and warm. Vacation...it sure would be nice. Opening her eyes again Amanda turns her head and looks at JT giving a smile.

"Maybe once this is over you and Bree should both take a vacation."

Seeing the serous look in Axel's eyes and hearing his words Jess heart breaks just a little. She would always care for Axel, and love him no matter if his hand worked or not.

Siting up a little bit Jess used the arm of the couch to pull herself up and into Axel's lap so she was facing him, and her legs were folded under herself on leg on each side of his own. Bringing her hand to his chest and than his shoulders gently massaging them.

"If the surgery dosnt work, than you will still be the man I care about very much, and love with my heart. You dont have to have two good hands to take care of someone. You will only have to going about things a differnt way. And I will love you all the same Axel."

Removing her hands from his shoulder Jess takes both his hand sin her own. Gently spreading his fingers on the bad hand giving each finger a kiss even if he couldn't feel it. Than gently she places his hands around her as she leans into him slightly.

"You can still hold me. I'll be with you through this every step of the way."

Annie and Wes look at eachother before looking back to Sparky. Annie lets out a long sigh as her brother walks away. It had all blown up and for nothing really. Were they over reacting?

Wes shakes his head as Sparky starts to walk away. Looking back at his siblings he sighs.

"I new we should of left it alone. Oh well, I hope you guys feel better now. I have to finish with Clint."

Making his own exit Annie lets out a long sigh. Putting her head in her hands a small headach had formed.

"Well that could of gone worse I guess! Do you think we should be worryed still?"

Still sitting on the swing Faith rocks back in forth as the chilly wind stings her cheeks. The air felt nice even if it was a little cold. Wondering when Sparky would come out from inside she just wanted. Over hearing the conversation made her upset but she still wanted to help out if he would let her.

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