
Too Sick

Garret was on his bed, curled on his side with the blanket haphazardly covering him as he shivered. A sandwich and glass of juice sat on the nightstand - a failed attempt by Rick to get him to eat. He hadn't eaten or had anything to drink all day, in spite of Rick's threat to hook him up to an IV. 

Hearing Nate, Garret's eyes opened halfway. What? Go home with him? What time was it anyway? Wait, Laura insisted? Why on earth would she do that? Nothing was making any sense. 

For a few moments, he just looked up at Nate dimly, trying to figure out exactly what was going on. The only thing that really registered was that he'd just received a direct order. And he was programmed to obey. 

Sitting up, he winced as his head spun, but he nodded groggily. "Give me a minute," he mumbled. Every bone in his body hurt. Why was he going with Nate again? It took him just a few minutes to get his boots on and grab his hat, jacket and backpack, then follow Nate outside. He silently trudged to the car, too sick to offer any resistance. On the way, he just closed his eyes and leaned against the window in an attempt to cool his throbbing head. 

Once they'd arrived at the house, Garret followed Nate inside, now so cold and achy just from being on his feet, that he cared little about anything but being in bed. 

Meeting them at the door, Laura gave Nate a quick hug and kiss before pointing down the hallway. "Garret, the room is all made up for you." He looked absolutely horrible. Laura had planned to have him to the dinner table but one look and she knew he needed to go straight to bed. She looked to Nate and nodded - she'd let him get Garret settled and wait in the kitchen for him.

"Small. I can't think we'll enough to chew big pieces," Kirk teased. With Adison's help, he finished the omelets and ate breakfast with her before they both needed to head in to work. An extra cup of coffee helped, but it was still going to be a long day.

Walking with her to the door, Kirk smiled. "Thanks...for your help...and the entertainment. I couldn't have gotten this job done without you so...I owe you at least one, if not two."

Travis couldn't help but notice Ashlee's brief stare and the color in her cheeks, which brought to his lips a new kind of grin. He turned his attention back to the kitten and scratched her head gently, his fingers brushing against Ashlee's. 

"I don't think it sounds silly at all. Actually...since I didn't get up quite early enough to see the sunrise, maybe I'll have to catch the sunset tonight."

He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. "Except I'm directionally challenged so you might have to show me which way is west so I don't miss it."

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