
No Rush

Feeling Carson's arms around Misty just melted into his arms. Feeling there strength while she was weak.  More tears flowed from her eyes as she just couldn't hold them in anymore. She had been so strong for so long. She just wanted to be held, just wanted to have someone else strength while hers was fading.

Staying silent for a few moments after Carson asked what was wrong she just tried to gather her thoughts. She wanted to at least stop crying a little to be able to talk to Carson. She felt so many things it was so hard to just land on one.

   "There is this FBI guy at the Elite and he's been....hounding everyone. Well it was my turn a little bit ago."

Drawing silent again what had happened today filled her mind again. Oh how she hated the whole thing. How it had hurt, and dug up so many unwanted feelings. 

   "He new lots of things about us, about our life. My time in the Agency, you, everything you've done in the past. He just keep asking questions, wanting answers, nothing was good enough. He wanted to know what I would do if you went back to the agency, its your pattern he said, and...he...just said terrible things."

Misty starts to tremble as she explains all that happened. In her state it really shook her up. That was now how she wanted to end her day, and she almost felt like not going back to work till Kirk was gone, but who new when that would be.

   "The Elite will always want you Scott, and will always have you. You are part of our family and no one will ever change that."

Dalton new that was true without even ask anyone. Scott was so important to them all. He was part of the family, part of the team, and one of the best hackers Dalton had even known. He couldn't imagen his office without Scott again. 

Having his thoughts halted by Scott's discovery Dalton stands and comes over to the computer. Leaning over Scott's shoulder he hits a few buttons letting out a small grumble. This was really odd indeed. 

   "Well that should slow them down a little. Should we see who it is and why?"

Hearing more about Travis Ashlee couldn't help but just soak it all up. He seemed so interesting and listing to him talk was nice. From what little she new of his dad Travis seemed to take after him a lot, from the sound of his mother that was probably a good thing.

   "I have an odd hobby of oiling saddles. Don't me why it just brings me comfort. I also like to read, look at the stars at night, go for hikes, and I draw a little, but haven't in some time."

Finishing up her side of brushing Ashlee walking over to where Travis was working and started to help. Thinking for a second she back tracks a little in the conversation.

   "I dont think you should feel bad about not having any real plans yet. Why wast the money if you dont know what you want to do yet. I'm not sure I know what I want to do either. I've still got a few years to figure that out though. No point in rushing life."

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