

Carson gave Herb a wry gin. He'd learned long ago there was no point in trying to avoid talking to Herb - the older man could see more and understand more than Carson ever would. "I dunno. I'm just an idiot I guess."

His eyes dropped and he fiddled with his ballcap. It was fraying around the edges but it was his favorite cap so he hadn't replaced it yet. "I just...I've tried so hard with Misty. I thought I was making progress. Then today we..." He paused and cleared his throat before glancing up. "We spent the afternoon together." He knew his facial expression would say the rest - Herb could put the pieces together himself. "So...I thought that meant I could finally go home but... she still doesn't want me to." He shrugged lamely. "I guess I'm glad we had today. I mean, obviously that's progress but... it just felt like that's all she wanted. She really didn't want me. I'm still not wanted." 

He got up to get a pizza that was coming out of the oven and was much more careful this time before handing it off to Aerith, then sat back down with Herb to resume playing with his hat. "I know she's still working through stuff and I gotta be patient. And I didn't tell her I was that disappointed 'cause I don't wanna have to start over again, but... I mighta played the day out a little differently had I known it wouldn't really matter to her." 

Travis wasn't satisfied in the least, but he really didn't have the energy to argue. He was so tired, that all it took was a few minutes of quiet, and he was out again, this time not to wake until evening. 

"Alright, well...I've reported back to headquarters and I need to get back." Con packed up the last of the equipment in the dining hall. "You've got Xander here now, and he'll help keep an eye on things, then once his family comes, there's another Elite agent who might be able to stick around too, if need be." 

Mick stood nearby and nodded. They hadn't really had a chance to talk to Xander about his life yet - all that had been mentioned was a family that would be following him out here, but that was all they knew. "Thank you, Con. For everything."

Pausing his work, he looked down at Mick for a moment. He felt...different than he had when he'd arrived. He felt...better. He'd killed a man today. But he'd done it with the skill he'd been given, and had saved two lives. He hadn't let the inner monster take over, and his hearing loss hadn't hindered the mission. Maybe...just maybe he finally felt useful again. And that put a small smile on his face. "Any time, Mick. I miss you guys around here. Maybe I'll have to bring Jamie out for a visit." 

"That would be great. Take care of yourself..."

And in that short amount of time, Con was gone, heading back to Nevada...

 ...Waking up from a deep sleep, Travis felt hot and groggy. A fever had set in, signalling infection. Too disoriented to really make sense of these new surroundings, fear crept into his veins. He'd just been abducted. He'd been brought here. But it was a strange place. His father had secrets. He didn't know what was going on. He didn't understand. And in his feverish state, panic took over his good sense. 

Kicking off the blanket, he rolled over to get out of bed, but his legs buckled, sending him to the floor with a crash. Pain coursed through his sprained arm and every single muscle seemed to protest any movement. He hurt even worse than he had earlier, and it scared him even more. Groping at the bed, he tried to stand, but didn't have the strength. 

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