
Can Wait

Feeling the cool cloth on his head, Travis closed his eyes and tried to relax, even though it was hard. Angel's voice was so soothing, and at least now he was breathing half normally. 

Lane sat on the other side of the bed, his expression back to the pained worry he'd had at the start of all this. How could this have happened? Travis was going to be just fine, then this. Why couldn't they catch a break?

The evening dragged on, and so did the night. Travis had two more spells during the night where he woke up unable to breathe, once followed by a violent coughing fit that threw him into convulsions. Though scared half to death, Lane followed Angel's every direction, helping Travis pull through. By morning, it seemed all breathing issues had passed, and now it was the high fever that was left...

Morning sunlight created a warm glow inside Angel's office. Lane still sat on one side of the bed, leaning forward with his head resting on his arms on the mattress, too tired to stir yet. 

Travis' eyes fluttered open, and he tried to make out his blurry surroundings. His head was hot and pounding, and his throat felt like he'd swallowed sandpaper. He ached from head to toe, like the flu only ten times worse, and his clothes were soaked in sweat. Opening his mouth, he tried to talk, but no sound came out. But with no energy, he gave up quickly. 

Spying a glass of water on the nightstand, he stretched out his fingers but just couldn't quite reach it. Just letting his arm rest, he gave that up too, even though he was so thirsty. 

"Mm, I don't know... I kinda feel like staying here." Con dropped from his elbows, intentionally squishing Jamie into the couch under his weight. Still grinning, he returned to kissing her lips, just enjoying a sweet moment or two with her.

"Food can wait," he murmured. Rolling over and taking her with him, he switched places with her, now holding her on his chest. "Feels like I've been gone ten years instead of a couple days," he mused softly. "Have I been that bad lately?"

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