
Am one

Garret lifted one eyebrow as he sensed the surprise in Nate's tone, and he had to grin just a little. "Maybe I wasn't ever exactly clear about just how far up the ranks I was. There was a chance I would have been Medridge's replacement, once he couldn't handle things anymore. So basically I was trained in...just about everything. And I had access to about ninety percent of case files....and some access I wasn't supposed to have. So yeah... I know an awful lot about what's been going on at the Elite for a while. Maybe not intricate details, but enough." 

He thought for a moment, and nodded. "I don't know for sure about Brookshire, but I..." He glanced at Nate, wondering if he'd believe him. "I can usually smell an Agency plan. I've been with them so long, I know how they think...because I...am one of them." He always would be, wouldn't he? No matter how much he worked with the Elite? 

"So yeah...I'd at least do a clean sweep of the entire staff and see if any red flags pop up. I can help if you want."

… “Hey, Kip…It’s Erik. Look, I know I’ve left like ten voicemails, but I’m worried about you. Please, just call me? Or at least shoot me a text to let me know you’re alive.

Kip sighed as he listened to the message. It had been at least three weeks since he’d left Gramps and Gram’s. Or was it four? Time just seemed to kind of meld together at this point. He laid back on the sagging couch and just fiddled with his phone absentmindedly.

“Yo, Reggie!” The front door was flung open as his roommate waved a check in the air. “Payday! Wanna go blow it with me?”

Kip rolled his eyes as Todd bounced on the end of the couch. “I gotta work late tonight. Which means I only have a few hours left to catch a nap.”

“Sleep’s overrated! Who roped you into working tonight anyway?”

“Rhonda. But now she’ll owe me.”

Todd scoffed. “Uh-huh. Til she gets tired of working tables and leaves like most people do after being at that hole in the wall for six weeks.”

“The diner’s not that bad.” Kip shrugged. “Pays well…for dishwashing.” It was actually a dump. With bad hours and poor pay. And if it weren’t for Todd, Kip wouldn’t be able to afford an apartment since he got fired from the grocery store. But it’s all he had right now…and it beat the shelter where he’d spent his first week before meeting Todd - who’d been putting up a want-ad for a roommate the same day Kip had walked into the diner looking for work. It hadn’t been the smartest thing to do but…it had turned out…okay.

“Right, right.” Todd rolled his eyes. “You should come down to Zee’s. They’re looking for a new clerk. I could put in a good word for ya.”

Kip shrugged again. Working for the electronics store instead of the diner did have a certain appeal. “Yeah, okay. But in the meantime…let a guy sleep?”

Todd grinned and got up to amble to the kitchen where he retrieved two cans of beer, tossing one at Kip, who caught it. “Drink before sleep. That’s my motto.”

“You change mottos like you change your boxers.” Kip opened the can and took a swig. “But whatever. You’ll just have to put up with me running on an hour’s sleep.” He set his phone aside, opting to ignore Erik’s message…again.

Kyle leaned on the large picture window frame and watched the rain come down outside. The band had been back in town a couple weeks now, and things would be slow for a little while, other than a local event coming up. He took a sip from his can of mountain dew and sighed. He'd heard from Erik...who still hadn't heard from Kip. And it still bothered him. 

He watched the rain leave little trails on the glass. So much for going for that walk today. He'd have to go expend some energy some other way. Alice had been trying to get him away from his keyboard and songwriting for just a little while, and some fresh air would have been nice. Oh, well. He yawned and took another sip of pop. Running up and down the stairs might do. 

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