
Overnight Bag

Hearing Grace wouldn't be coming today, Lydia sighed. She hoped this had nothing to do with what happened yesterday, but was also a little concerned. Grace didn't usually do things like not call in to work.

Jared took out one earbud as his mother came to his open doorway. "What?"

She gave him a bit of a motherly look. "Grace is not coming today. And I do not blame her after how you treated her."

Watching his mother simply leave, Jared's eyes narrowed. Sure. Blame him. Why not? He didn't care anyway. Grace had left him on the ground yesterday. If she didn't want to come back, then so be it.

Just as he was starting to listen to his music again, he felt his cell phone vibrate. Without a number her recognized, he almost let it go to voicemail, then on a whim, he decided to answer it. "Yeah?" As soon as he heard Grace's strained voice, his blood ran cold. "Grace, what... what happened, whats.." He was cut off as the male voice came on the line. And when the call was over, his heart was racing. What was happening? Where was Grace? Who was the man? Was she okay? Why was she hurt? Who had hurt her? And why on earth did they want him to talk to Justin? Justin. He was just a counselor. Wait, no, he did something for the cops or something right? Was he involved in something heavy? Why would anyone harm Grace?
Feeling utterly helpless, he went to dial Justin but realized he didn't have his number. "Mom!" he yelled. "Mom!"

Lydia came quickly. "What on earth is wrong?"

"Justin. His number." Jared couldn't speak clearly and held up his phone, frustrated. "What's Justin's number."

Lydia frowned. "Why, what..."

"Just give me his number!"

"Alright, alright!" Lydia scowled at him before reciting the memorized number. "Now tell me...." She gave up as Jared was already dialing, and walked away, more annoyed than anything.

Justin was just walking out of one of the wards at Brookshire when his phone rang. Coaxing the two dogs up into his pickup, he fished his phone from his pocket. "Hello?"

"Justin? I just got a call about Grace. I think she's hurt and some guy said I needed to tell you. What's going on?"

"Whoa, whoa." Justin slid in behind the wheel. "Slow down."

"How can I slow down?! Grace is hurt and I don't know where she is!"

Justin began to realize that something really serious was going on. This was no joke. "Okay, tell me exactly what happened."

"I just did! Grace called. She was upset and said she was hurt. I didn't even have time to talk to her and a guy got on and said I needed to get in contact with you if I ever wanted to see Grace alive again. Justin, what the heck is going on?!" 

The wheels in Justin's mind were already turning - quickly. This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all. He started his pickup. "I don't know. But I'm going to find out, okay? Just hang tight."

"As if I could do anything else. What are you involved in? Why did they want me to call you?"

"I don't know, Jared!" Justin looked both ways before peeling out of the parking lot. He didn't want to be mean to his brother, but right now was not the time to try and explain all he did every day. He had never yet been targeted by the Agency. Had that now changed? "Just don't do anything. I'll be in touch as soon as I know something."

"Shouldn't I call the police?"

"No. Don't. Just stay put and call me back if you get another call." Justin hung up on his brother and dialed with one hand as he drove. "Reese? We might have a situation." He explained what Jared had just told him. "I don't know what this is about. It could be some disgruntled client of mine, but I'm more afraid it's the Agency, just because whoever it is actually took the long way around to get to me, and that seems to be one of the Agency's talents."

"Agreed. I'd rather be safe than sorry. I'll start looking into this. Where are you at?"

"I'm on my way to pick up my girlfriend and get her somewhere safe, then I'm coming in."

"Good man. I'll send someone to your brother's to make sure he and your mother are okay."

"Thanks. I'll be there as soon as I can." Justin tossed his phone into the passenger seat as he sped down the highway. He made it to Beth's in record time. Knowing it was her day off work, he hoped she was home, and after knocking on her apartment door, he didn't wait for her to answer, but went on inside. "Beth? Beth," he called. Finding her in the kitchen, he set his hands on her shoulders, relief covering his face that she was okay. "Pack an overnight bag - you're coming with me. I'll explain on the way to North Springs."

Mick had just dozed off when the knock at the door sent him jerking bolt upright in bed. He blinked in the dark before hearing the knock again and realizing what it was. Who on earth would bother them at this hour? Maybe some of the horses got loose or something.

Yawning, he gave Rosetta's shoulder a gentle pat. There was no need to get everybody out of bed. "I'll be back," he informed sleepily. "Don't go anywhere." He pulled on a pair of jeans and threw on a open flannel shirt over his tee before trudging to the door in his bare feet.

Turning on the porch light as he opened the door, he was surprised to see Stacy. Then he was concerned. "Stacy... what's wrong?"

Lane remained on his knees in the pasture, but he knew he couldn't stay there. No matter how sick this whole thing made him feel, ignoring it was certainly not an option. It wouldn't fix itself. He had to do what he'd come to do. 

Finally rising to his feet once more, he wandered a while before aiming back towards the barns.

Levi's smile widened as Karla responded to everything he'd said - positively and with enthusiasm. He opened his mouth, then stopped at her final comment, his eyes going wide. Spinning around to see his dad, he bit his lip. "Oops."

Keith smirked at him and shook his head before turning his concentration back to his phone call. 

Levi cringed inwardly. His dad didn't like something he was doing. He could tell. But it was too late now. He looked back to Karla. "Okay, so let's start with lunch tomorrow and see what happens. Is that slow enough?" He grinned. "How's Tou Han's Chinese sound to you? On me. We'll call it an interview."

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