

Walking up to Kip's house Karla just stood outside for a long moment. She'd called Kip a few hours ago and asked if she could come over. She wanted to talk to him, she needed to talk to him and it couldn't wait. After the last few days of silence it was time to talk about everything that happened. She new it was going to be hard though, for herself, for Kip...it just was not going to be an easy thing to hash out. She'd cried, she'd prayed, and she'd kept to herself these last days.

Finally getting the courage Karla walked up to the door and gave a knock before opening it and going in. Seeing Gram and Gramps in the living room she smiled a little and waved before heading up to Kips room and giving a knock at the door. Picking at a lose string on her coat she waited till he answered.

Seeing Jason come into the room Misty tried to give a little smile though things seems a little awkward now, and when everything that has been going on she still wasn't her old happy self. Smiles were hard to come by, and her eyes where just dark. Life seemed so different now, she just didn't know how to fix it.

   "Come and sit here."

Misty motioned to the one of the empty beds close to her desk. If Aaron woke up again she wanted Jason as far away as he could be. For all they new Aaron could be the one that was to kill Jason if anything happened. She wouldn't take that chance or risk.

   "My overprotective Uncle is smart. Bullet could of been laced, it could of nicked something a million to one things could of happened specially if it was from the Agency. We all know they know no bounds."

Drawing quiet again Misty sets to work looking at Jason's wound and cleaning it up. The would didn't look to be reacting to any poisons, or any sign that it might, Jason got lucky or the person the Agency send was dumb. Either way Jason wold be ok.

   "You got lucky this time. Just keep clean dressing on it so it wont get infected, and tell your bodyguards to do a better job."

Pulling into the driveway Grace looks at the sky and grimes for a moment. She'd hope to get out and about with Jared today but it looked like the rain had other plans. Getting out of the car and tucking her keys into her pocket she made her way to the porch, up the steps and to the swing. Gentily she lifts Jared's legs and slids under them on the porch swing.

Looking out at the sky again the clouds where thick, and dots of light broke that darkness as thunder formed. A cool breeze blew and she closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again and looking at Jared with a smile.

   "It's always amazing how storms can look so scary, and some times are, but afterwords there is always a calm, a rainbow, new life that forms. One of the many wonders of the world if you ask me."

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