
Lead the Way

Stopping and feeling Kips hand on her shoulder Karla couldn't help the tears that ran from he eyes. She once loved Kip's touch, and she loved to have him close, but things had changed now and that's just not how it was anymore. Karla new Kip didn't understand, but it was how she felt, and it was how she saw things. Her voice cracked as she struggled to find words.

   "If you only had feeling for me Kip, this wouldn't have happened. I needed you too". 

Not turning around to look at Kip Karla wiped the ears from her eyes. Oh how she wished she was stronger, how she wished she could of pushed the tears away, but she couldn't.

   "Now when I look at you, or feel your touch I see Whitney too. Knowing that while we were together you were with her, even if it was just night. What was one day be sacred with us, is marked by someone else. I'm sorry Kip, but that is to important to me to just forget about it. I'm sorry."

Slipping out from under Kip's hand Karla continued on her path down the steps. She had to get out of there, she felt like she was suffocating. She just need to get out, clear her head, cry, and start a new tomorrow, alone once again.

Grace didn't know how much time had passed that they sat there and she didn't mind. The sound of the rain drops were nice, the cool wind and rolling thunder, it was just peaceful to her. As Jaded stired she moved her arms to give him the freedom to do what he liked while she just watched. Upon his request Grace smiles. Sometimes the best therapy was no therapy at all.

Coming up along side Jared Grace tucked her arm around his. Still letting him walk on his own but wanting herself to hold onto him. Giving his arm a gentile squeeze and a no of her head Grace waited to go at Jared's pace.

   "Lead the way, I'm just along for the ride."

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