

Nate couldn't help the small chuckle at Garret's comment about disarming a bomb. He wasn't sure sure if they would be easier or not since he wasn't one hundred percent sure what he was doing himself. But at least it was something to do.

   "How about we leave in a half hour? I should be done with most of my work by than."

Turning back to his work Nate quickly finished up what he was doing before pulling out his cell phone and calling home.

   "Hey Babe, I just wanted to give you a heads up I'm heading out of work early to work on the sprinkler system finally. I'm going to bring Garret with me to help for an hour or so. I figured him getting out would do some good."

After getting off the phone Nate continued with his work. Before he new it a half hour had passed and Nate was making his way to Garrets room. Giving a knock on the door he steps inside.

   "Hey you ready?"

Continuing to look down Ryan shifted on the bench and brought her legs up to cross them. It was slightly uncomfortable since the seat was narrow but she'd gotten tired of having them down. Replaying everything that had happened with Tal again in her head Ryan let out a sigh. This was going to be an even harder topic to talk about.

   "I dont know if he is anymore or not. He was pretty hurt that I still cared about Alec, and didn't understand why I was seeing him, and thinks our whole relationship was a fake when it wasn't. I really did care about him, and I liked spending time with him. He and Eli got in a fight and I heard a lot of the things he said."

Taking a deep breath Ryan finally looks up and squints in the sunlight. Everything that had happened with her and Tal really did hurt. She kind of understood where is was coming from and than at the same time she just wished he had been given a chance to explain, or they could of sat down and talked about it.

   "I haven't seen him since. I just wish we could of talked about it. but there is no point now. To many things have been said that cant be unsaid."

Quiet Rosetta just took in everything Eric and Mick were talking about while the wheels in her own head turned. She new her brother was freaking out, and she did understand how that felt. When BJ had come to live with them it was quite the change and it was a fast adjustment. But it had happened and now she couldn't imagen life without him there.

As Eric asks her if she had any ideas Rosetta shifted a little take a sip of her tea. Looking at her brother he might be able to tell the wheels were in fact moving, her eyes twinkled slightly. She always loved helping family and making plans come together.

   "Well, we do still have a bunch of wood left over from when Clint and Wendy built there house. That would make some good material to add an addition to your bunk, so at least that would be enough till something better could be built for you."

Standing Rosetta takes her now empty cup to the sink before coming back and sitting down again. Looking to Mick and than back at Eric she smiles.

   "You are my brother and I will help all I can even if you dont like it. I have some stuff left from when BJ was younger and I think maybe Wes and Cindy might have some left over stuff as well they wouldn't mind handing down to you. I know its not the best but at least its a start for now. What do you think?"

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