
Man Hunt

Snuggled on the couch with Laura Nate started to doze off as his cell phone went off in his pocket. He was half tempted not to answer it at all but now that he was in charge of Garret he was always on call. 

Pulling his phone out and see it was in face work Nate gives Laura a gentil pat on the arm before moving her slightly to get up. He new she was relaxed and he didn't want to bother her at all. So going into the other room he finally answers it.

    "Hey Ty, whats up....Yeah I wouldn't imagen that would be very good...No No....I'll come in. Thanks Ty...see you in a bit."

Hanging up the phone Nate goes back into the living room. Bending down to give Laura a kiss he gives her an apoligetic smile.

   "Sorry babe I have to go into work for a little bit. If you need anything just call and...if you finish the movie dont tell me the murder is. It will give us good reason to watch the move all over again."

It didn't take long to get to the Elite. Checking in with Ty and letting him know he was there now Nate headed to the infirmary to get some antiseptic and bandages before making his way to the rec room. Seeing Garret just sitting on the floor Nate enters the room slowly. He didn't want to startle him to to much.

   "Man if thats what you do to a punching bag, I really dont want to be on your bad side."

Setting down a bottle of water Nate also takes out the other supplys for Garret's hands. He pained him to see how much pain Garret was in. Not just in the flesh but as emotionally. He wish that he could just take away the pain for him, but he new that was something he'd have to work out on his own.

Giving a nod to her Grandfather Victoria turns and leaves the room. It didn't surprise her that her next mission would be so soon. All she had to do now to clear her head and back in the game. She couldn't let her emotions get in the way, and she couldn't let on Garret not being there hurt more than it should. How lonely she felt already.

Stacy can't help but laugh as she gets up off the ground. Everything was a mess but humor was important, and see that Eric was trying made her feel good. It was a start in the right direction and she was happy he was works twords making the best of it.

   "Alright Alright, we can't sit here all day. Everyone might send out a man hunt for us."

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