

Getting to the house Nate pulls into the driveway. He was happy to be out of work and to be doing something else. Honestly though He was kind of excited Garret was with him too. Just watching him as he stepped out of the car into the sun spoke a thousand words. Noding to the side of the house where there was a little gate Nate gave a smile.

   "Thanks. If you want to go around the side there it will lead to the back yard. No dogs or anything to worry about. I'm just going to let Laura know we are home, and I'll be right there."

Letting Garret to figure out the rest Nate makes his way up the steps and inside the house. Finding Laura he gives a smile before taking her in his arms and giving her a kiss. No many days they had been married, no matter how many years he loved coming home to her and he'd never let that fade.

   "Heya! I just wanted to let you know we were here and will be out back if you need me. Now I'm not making any promises about this getting fixed but I'll make a solid effort to get it working right."

Nate couldn't help the sheepish grin he had as he let go of Laura and make his way to the back door. Stepping out again Nate looks around for a second before calling to Garret.

   "Well I guess our first step is searching through the shed for tools. After that I'm just kind of winging it and seeing what happens. I hope your ready to get wet, and possible dirty."

Rosetta can't help but laugh at Eric's comment. He didn't have one girl, but two girls he was going to have on his hands. She could only imagen the fun this was going to be.

   "I am sure we call all help with pointers. Just be lucky they are babys still. You dont have to worry about hormones yet."

Listing to everything Justin said did make sense to her. Though everything with Tal still hurt, and she wished she could argue about she hadn't even realized she loved Alec still she new there was no point. It was to late to explain to Tal now about anything.

   "I understand where you are coming from and I guess I see how Tal might feel. I guess there was just a lot unsaid, or assumed."

Looking down at the paper Justin gave to her Ryan studied it for a long moment. Reaching out to take the pen from Justin Ryan wrote down on the let go side "blaim" and on the keep she wrote down "family". Glancing up at Justin a little bit of question was in Ryan's eyes.

   "Like this?"

Setting the pen down again and slidding it back to Justin Ryan takes the paper and folds it before putting it into her pocket. She'd consider going back to work she just wasn't sure if she was ready. Would everyone walk on eggshells around her? Would they stair and whisper? Ryan didn't know if she was ready to face that.

   "Saturday...yeah I think my day is free."

Ryan rolled her eyes at her lame attempt of humor. She use to be good at that and now...it was just lame. Looking around again she wondered if Eli was near by. He'd driven her, and she was sure he would drive her again.

   "Can I get back to you on where?"

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