
Help Me!

Looking up at Garret as he neared his cubicle Nate game a small smile. It was good to see Garret up, in daylight that was. It was good for him to get use to everyone and to have everyone get use to him being there. 

Thanking for a long moment Nate tried to think of something to have Garret do. He really didn't have much but he wanted to make something. He could only imagen how crazy Garret must be going without much work.

   "Well...how are you at fixing things? Laura has been bothering me for weeks to fix our sprinkler system out back. If I dont get it done soon she is going to have my head. It's just a two man job and everyone is always busy. Want to try you hand at it and see if you can help me?"

Garret had been here for a little bit now, and Nate really wanted to get him out and about to soak up some sunshine. They wouldn't be gone long but maybe even just a little bit would help improve Garrets mood. It was worth a try and for now it gave them both something to do.

Sitting across from Justin Ryan looks down at the wood makings on the table and ran her fingers over them. She'd agreed to see Justin again but she felt awkward being here still even if she new she needed to be. The last few days had been quiet but hard. Everything Tal has said still floated around in her head. 

   "I'm ok I guess. Haven't gone back to work yet. Haven't seen Tal in days, and Eli is still being the caring brother he always is."

Ryan gives a small shrug. It was hard talking about her. She never really new what to say, even when talking to Eli, or her friends herself was never much of a topic.

   "I've been seeing less and less of Alec, but...I still do. He doesn't say anything anymore. I've also been using the book you gave me. It helps sometimes when I don't know what I am feeling."

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