
The Note

Finished Nate was interested in what Reese had to say. They had been at odds the last few days and Nate had hated it. The feeling of not being with Reese just seemed wrong and he didn't like it. But now he wondered if had cought up to him and if he was going to get reemed out about Reese. 

Once he was finished talking Nate still didn't agree or think everything he said was right but he did see his side, and he did agree with a few things. There was a lot Garret was going to have to work on, and he new it.

  "I do agree that Garret can't always be threatening people, and he cant get in huff when things are not going his way. We also have to take into consideration that Garret has been living in the grips of the Agency since form what I gather a very very long time. He is bound to slip up, and its going to take time for him to be completely how we want him."

Nate searchs Reese's face for a long moment. He got why Reese didn't like Victoria here, but Nate couldn't help think how much worse it would be without her. Garret's whole reason got being here just walked away,

   "And than also something else we have to remember is the woman Garret loves, the reason he did all this just talked away to go back into the situation he was trying to keep her out of, and he will now no longer know if he is ok or not. Thats a lot to take in and I know how I'd be if it was Laura and i'd be in pretty rough state. All in all though I agree, and I have a few ideas on how to help Garret direct his frustration else where."

Smiling though Susanne could not see him Chuck gave a nod. He cared so much about Susanne he would do anything for her.

   "I can stay as long as you like. But instead of cooking why dont we order some pizza and get it delivered. I think we both could us a little less work tonight and....I'll also they you pick the movie. Anyone you want....even a sappy one. Just dont laugh at me if I cry."

Chuck was hoping maybe to get some kind of chuckle out of Susanne, even if it wasn't much, just a little something to see her smile.

Everything seemed to pass quickly. From her getting into the taxi, to calling for a plan home, to getting back to the mansion. Walking through the halls to her room it seemed darker here, quiet, and just...didnt feel like home knowing Garret wasn't here anymore.

Getting to her room and putting her bag down on the ground Victoria just sits there for moment. She needed to get changed, and she needed to go meet her grandfather for a briefing. She wasn't looking forward to that but she did know what she was going to say.

Looking over at her bag a piece of paper cought her eye. Pulling it out and skimming it Victoria was surprised it was from Nate.

 He'll be safe you have my word to do all I can. Also if you should ever change you mind or need help you can call me. You might not think you have any friends but you at least have one. Take care of yourself. Maybe some time you can give us a heads up too if anything to bad ever comes out way for his sake.


Victoria couldn't help but shake her head at Nate's letter. It was cryptic enough that if anyone but her got it they wouldn't understand the gibberish, but she did. Going into the bathroom Vicotria holds the paper over the sink and lights it on fire with the matches near by washing the ashes down the drain. Now she'd better get dressed and go meet with her grandfather before he thought she was stalling.

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