

Nate's speach only proved to deepen Garret's confusion and curiosity about this strange place. He hadn't had a prayer that his plea would be anywhere near answered. Yet Nate was more than willing to help. Not just fulfill a request, but really help him. And that willingness didn't make sense. 

As the cuffs are removed, Garret rubbed his wrists, grateful for the small amount of freedom once more. His stomach did a flip as his mind raced with words...words were all he had to convince Victoria why he'd done this was all a good thing. She was right next door. He finally had his chance. His plan was finally coming through. 

He wasn't sure how Nate knew this was so important to him, but he was truly grateful. It was a slight nod that portrayed that thanks. But it was more than that. In this gesture, Nate had gained a small portion of Garret's respect. A small portion of Garret's trust. And neither of those things came easily. Both had been earned with literal bloodshed, and this step of good faith.

Silently following Nate, Garret's stomach flipped again. And as the next cell door was opened, his eyes finally, finally fell on the one for whom he had done all of this. Prying his gaze from her, he glanced at Nate once more to make sure this really was being allowed, then stepped inside so the door could be shut again. 

"Victoria..." A whisper was all he could manage before closing the gap and wrapping his arms around her in a strong hug. "You made it. I knew you would. I knew you'd have to be the one to come." He withdrew to cup her face with his hands, and place a long, tender kiss on her lips. But he wouldn't give her time to respond. They had no time. 

"I only have a few minutes," he explained, glad these cameras had no audio. If Victoria wasn't going to agree to any of this, he didn't want anyone else to know. Leaving his hands on her face, his eyes were flooded with emotions. Desperation. Pleading. Longing. Love. "I came here on purpose." It would be a hard pill to swallow, and he knew it. "I wasn't captured, and I wasn't on assignment. I didn't kill my last target. I ditched my own tracker and turned myself in." His thumb caressed her cheek as his gaze begged her to listen and understand. 

"I am so sorry I didn't tell you. I knew that if we tried this together, we'd never make it. So I had to use an alias only you'd know, so you would be the one to come for me." This was so much information, but he couldn't stop now. The clock was ticking. "I couldn't stand not being with you anymore. I couldn't stand being a robot any longer. I didn't want to live anymore if I couldn't be with you always. So...I ran. I'm done with the Agency, Victoria. I've offered my allegiance to the Elite in exchange for their help in keeping the Agency off my back. And with that - as soon as I can gain their trust - which I believe I can in time, is freedom. Freedom to do what I want and live like I want. And what I want is you. Only you. We'd never be together under your grandfather." 

Oh how he wanted her to believe him. To follow with him. To want the same thing. "You shooting Nate put a little crimp I'm things, but that's already being sorted out. All I need now is to know if you're in this with me. If you'll stay with me. Leave everything behind so we can finally be together." He swallowed hard, his eyes piercing deeply into her own. "I love you... That's my only reason for being here... And my only defense."

Eli sighed deeply, but he wasn't upset. He was glad to finally know the truth for sure. He'd suspected as much all along, and even though it wasn't what he wanted, at least now he knew.

"Yeah." His response was soft. Gentle. "Yeah, he really is gone. You know I didn't trust him anymore after all he'd done...but he did die trying to help others. He finally did the right thing...it was just too late." He gave Ryan's hand a small squeeze. Would reality really stick this time? Would she really accept it now? "I... I think maybe you need help getting through this." He didn't really like saying it, but he knew it was best. "I don't want to see you get hurt again, so maybe...if you had someone to talk to, to help you understand why all this is happening?" He gave her a reassuring smile. "It'll be okay... I promise."

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