

Scarlet's eye still searches Eli's face. Was there truth in what he said? She'd never doubted him before, but there was just something that was not right and maybe he wasn't lieing but he wasn't telling her the whole truth either and it bothered her alot.

   "We've always told each other about everything. You know my past, you know my job, you know every little detail about me because the only way this relationship was going to work was being that way, and you new that going into it Eli."

Standing Scarlet just looks at Eli for a long moment. She didn't like how she felt, she didn't want to leave but she had too. She wouldn't put herself through this position again, she refused to no matter what she had to stick to her guns and let Eli know she really mean what she said.

   "I have to get goings. I'm disappointed Eli, I thought this was going to be different because we put everything out on the table. I guess I put to much faith in that. I'm sorry."

Turning Scarlet heads for the door picking up her jacket along the way. Getting there the door opens and Ryan enter. Study's the young girl for a second she just gives her a big hug. She looked tired, sad, and not her normal self. It made Scarlet's hear ache.

   "Hang in there Ryan."

Letting her go she makes her was out the door and down the steps to her bike. It had been a long day already and the night seemed even longer now. Just standing for a long moment Scarlet didn't want to ride yet, she was to upset.

Watching Scarlet leave Ryan looks into the living room where her brother was. That was strange Eli didn't walk her out. Maybe they were having a fight or something. Ryan didn't know other than it was just odd.

   "I'll be in my room if you need me Eli."

Looking up at Ryder Thirteen gives a small nod. Leave it to to make her feel better. He just had that way about him. It was only thing she loved. She felt so safe with him, and even on the darkest days he could make it shine.

   "Thank you Ryder, for always just being you."

Just sitting on the couch Misty was lost in thought. It was so quiet there, so lonely. She use to a long time ago like the quiet, being along, and just having everything to herself. It was a welcomed feeling. But now after having Alec around, having Mac there, Carson or Jason...now she hated it. There was to much time to stew, to much time to think. To much time to miss those she had loved and lost.

Hearing her phone go off Misty slowly picks it up looking at the number. She was thankful it was Carson even if she did show a little emotion. She always did love his poems and right now it was nice to read one.  She didn't think tomorrow night she was busy, and not being in the house alone sounded good.

  Coffee sounds great. Any time if fine. I'll meet you there.

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