
Good Thing

  "A few days is better than not seeing you at all before you left again."
Keeping her arm around Eric's wast and leaning into him slightly. She really had missed him more than she'd ever tell anyone. Having him around was something she'd gotten use, to and she looked forward to his return.

   "Exciting, exciting...does watching someone fall off a horse, or seeing horses escape from the south fence and everyone running around like chickens with there head chopped off count as exciting?"

Stacy gives a laugh looking up at Eric, her eyes sparkle. She always saw things around the ranch. It was her job anyways. Sometimes people new she was watching and sometimes they didn't. But her got to see everything.  Laughter, crying, daily life here at the ranch and it always made her smile even if she was only watching. It was an amazing place, full of magic indeed.

   "So are you hungry? I hear Rosalyn was the one cooking tonight."

Sitting in the open window Chad lets his out foot dangle out, whole his other was propped up his arm folded over his knee. Looking out over the tall buildings of Landon he watched as the rain pelted the roofs and made tiny pools. It seemed the rain matched his mood. When he'd left the ranch Rosalyn and himself seemed to be ok, but deep down he new it wasn't. Playing her sad look in his head over and over again made him miss her even more. He wished he could hold her, hug her...so close, but worlds apart.

   "Hey Chad we are going to get someone to eat. Want to come?"

Turning his head to his brother he gives a little shake. Strange as it was food was the last thing he wanted right now.

   "No you guys go, I'm good."

Looking back out the window once Chad heard the door close he leans his head back and lets out a long sigh. The day was gloomy, he felt gloomy, Chad missed Rosalyn, but he was trying to give her space, and a small place in his heart was thinking maybe she really had though it best they ended it.

Hearing his phone go off in his pocket Chad was about to ignore it but if  it was is brother, he'd never hear the end of it. Much to his surprise though it wasn't, and it was a long awaited text from Rosalyn. Reading it he can't help but smile. He did wonder if she really was ok, but he smiled non the less. She cared enough to still text him and that made him feel good.

From: Chad
To: Rosalyn

Hey there! I was wondering when
I'd hear from you. It been quite quiet
around here. For the next few weeks 
we are in London. It's been rainy here,
but its still nice. It would be even better
with you though.

Opening his camera Chad take a pic from the window looking out over all the houses at the sun rising. It was a pretty amazing picture to look at.

Here you go. This is my view right now.
Anything new with you?

Hearing a loud noise in the garadge as she walked by made Ashlee jump. She should be in the dinning hall getting ready for dinner but she didn't much feel like it today. Maybe she'd get something to eat later. Now, now her mind was wondering what was going on in there. Everyone else should be eating. 

Slipping inside quietly and seeing a light on Ashlee wonders farther in. Partly because she was nosie, and partly because she wanted to make sure everything was ok. Seeing Clint Ashlee just stands there for a long moment watching him. He was the last person she ever would of expected to see get frustrated. Finally clearing her throat a little bit she give a half smile.

   "Man, good thing those tools don't know you're looking at them like that. I think they would keel over dead."

At Jason's comment about dinner tomorrow Misty would normally be excited but studying his face for a moment Misty had a sinking feeling there was more the the invite of dinner, than he was letting on. It could be all in her head, hormones running over time or something.

   "Yeah that sounds great to me. I can cook again, or we can order in. I dont mind either."

Going back to what she was doing for a second Misty lets out a small sigh before looking to Jason again. Now she was going to worry all night. That feeling in the pit of her stomach just was going to eat away at her.

   "Is everything ok?"

   "I love you too, no matter what, now and forever. No matter what crazy adventures, or mystery we have to uncover. Nothing will ever make me love you less."

Being scooped up in Gunner's arms Bree lets out a small squeal wrapping her arms around his neck, leaning her head on his shoulder she just lets him carry her. She liked it when he picked her up, or put his arms around her. It showed his true strength and she felt safe in his arms.

Once being put back down Bree looks up into Gunner's eyes bringing her hand to the side of his face and just softly brushing his cheek. Somewhere deep in his eyes she could still see the glimmer that made her hope things would be ok. She new they would be, with time and pashents.

   "Who ever thought a vampire would need something to help him sleep."

Giving a smile and leaning up to kiss his lips Bree backs away still her hand on his cheek.

   "Try and get a little sleep. If you need anything I'm right down the hall. Than tomorrow we can work on a plan of attack for finding out the truth."

   "I think we were pretty good at supporting each other. My lifes not all roses either. Not exactly a weed patch but there are some here and there."

Taking the last sip of her own tea Hope pushes her glass aside looking around the dinner before looking back at Scott and giving a small smile. The little dog had become her friend too and she new the little attitude she could get.

   "Now that would be a horrible thing. She might not come and get treats from me anymore."

Gathering her things and grabbing her jacket to put it on, Hope follows Scott to the door walking slowly. She really didn't want this moment to end. It had been a nice night and she'd enjoyed the company so much. But hear Scott suggestion for lunch made her feel a little better. This wouldn't be the last, but the first of many she hoped.

   "I think lunch sounds great. I'll even let you pick the day you are feeling up to it. You know I dont do much, and where to find me. Thank you for the coffee and chat tonight Scott. It was really nice."

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