
Bonny and Clyde...

Smiling at Eric Stacy just couldn't keep it in. Some people would think her joking was to dry and maybe not even know it was a joke but Eric was good like that. He new she was and just rolled with it. She liked that most about him, he got her, and understood her.

   "Did I miss you?! What kind of question is that?"

Stacy closes the gap between herself and Eric she puts her arms around his wast and rests her head on his chest for a second. He might not smell the best right now but he smelled like Eric and thats all she wanted, to know he was close to her once again.

   "Of course I missed you. It just wasn't the same without you where."

Misty couldn't help but give a chuckle at the group at the table. She didn't mind they entertained themselves while she was cooking. She liked hearing them go back and forth with each other and just have a good time. It made her feel good inside, and seeing Jason join in, it was nice.

Having Jason come up behind her Misty stops the veggies she was cutting for a second and places her hand on top of Jason's leaning back on him slightly. She loved the quiet moments, Jason's arms around her, they were the moments she liked the most. He'd been distracted as of late, But Misty didn't push it. It could be work, it could be something else but Jason new he could talk to her.

   "Mmmm...I've only part way cooked the chicken, maybe it's just your mind thinking you smell something good."

Looking over her shoulder Misty's smile grows a little more. Leaning up a little bit Misty places a kiss on Jason's cheek before looking back at the food and going back to work happily letting his hands stay wrapped around her.

   "I'm making only one of the best things in the world for everyone. Chicken Parm. If you want to help I could use you to stir and drain the noodles. That is, unless you want to get in the middle of whatever is going on in the living room."

   "So lets remember."

Bree leans her head on Gunner's as it rests on her shoulder bring her arm up around his head to lightly run her fingers through his hair. The moon was covered by a little by clouds but there was still enough peeking through the light up the yard and let the shadows dance with each other. Bree really did mean what she said. She wanted to help, anyway she could really.

   "I'm sure we will run into more dead ends but at least we wont be running alone anymore. We can be a regular Bonny and Clyde minus the robbing banks, and the gun part. I'd probley shoot my own foot. I can kick someone in the shin though if I have too."

Giving a small chuckle before falling silent again. Hearing Gunner's words about not being good for anything Bree turns around so she can look at him better. She wondered if he really believed that. How could he honestly he meant everything to her, and he was good at loving her back.

   "Really? I think you are pretty good at loving me, and rescuing me, and many other things. I think you just need to make yourself believe it."

Gently Hope rests her hand on Scott's and just gives a small smile. She new he'd zoned out for a moment but she didn't want to draw much attachen to it. She new it must make Scott feel awakeward and if it was her, bringing it up would make it worse at the moment. Small steps.

   "That was a nice window. If nothing else, I'm happy I was able to give you that to hold on too."

Moving her hand and taking another tip of her tea Hope was quiet for a seconded. She remember when Scott had pushed her away. It was almost like yesterday. She new it wasn't Scott's fault with everything he'd been through it was rather normal, but it was still there and now they were here. Hope didn't dare dream that there friendship was being rebuilt but here they were, talking. And she couldn't help but hope.

   "I didn't exspect to hear that tonight, let alone sitting here with you. But I'm really glad we are Scott. I've missed our friendship, and out long chats. No one understood as well as you."

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