
No worry

Giving a smile to Jared Grace moves slowly. She had no fear of him and what he once was. There was something in his eyes that told her that no longer was he like that and with her, things were completely different.

   "Mmm...lets see if I can do this without hurting you."

Moving Grace gets over Jared and lowers herself down on top of him. Wrapping her arms around his neck Grace leans into him again and places a kiss on his nose before backing away and leaning her for head against his.

   "I dont think you have to worry about keeping me happy. You do just fine with that and being..you."

Kissing his nose and than working her way down to his lips Grace presses them to his once more. Soaking in the moment Grace just let it continue. She was enjoying this attachen, this time alone with Jared it was really nice and she was going to enjoy it.

Continuing to look up at Gunner Bree can see the look in his eyes and in a way she did understand what he was saying. But she understood where the others were coming from too. Its not that Gunner would implode or she thought they just worried.

   "They are just worried that the way you are going about everything, and being obsessed is unhealthy. In a way...it is. I do understand where your coming from in wanting to find the missing piece its just..."

Bree stopped there she didn't know what she was trying to say. She was bad at explain herself sometimes, and this was one of those times. She new what she wanted to say she just didn't know how. She just hoped that soon Gunner would be done with this and they could move on with life. Till than life would be on a stand still.

   "I hope you can find it soon."

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