
Still Silent

Startled, Gunner looked quickly in Bree's direction, but it was the only moment he made eye contact with her. Looking back at the sink, he nodded slowly. "Yeah...yeah, I'm okay."

He finally turned off the water and grabbed a hand towel to dry his face, but he was still rather shaky and pale. Just standing there in his jeans, he stalled, taking longer than necessary to dry his hands before eventually returning the towel to its rack. Back in the hallway, he slung an arm over Bree's shoulders and aimed her back to the living room, leaving his shirt in the bathroom for now. "Sorry I woke you," he apologized quietly. "I just...um...had a bad dream." 

Returning to the couch, he picks one end to sit, coaxing Bree down to use his lap as a pillow. He'd rather sit up and avoid sleep for a while. That was his routine lately anyway - get woken up by the nightmare, then not be able to sleep for the rest of the night. But he'd been so relaxed. He'd felt so at peace. Why did the nightmare have to find him here too?

While he stared into the dark, his hand absentmindedly combed gently through Bree's hair. He knew his silence was not his norm. Would this little episode just make her worry more? Probably. But telling her what was on his mind could prove to be the worst choice.

Realizing his hand had gotten particularly tense, he ceased playing with her hair and pulled the blanket up over her a little more. "Comfortable?" 

"Mmm..." Reese wrapped his arms around Angelica and willingly returned her kiss. A chuckle surfaced as he looked down into her eyes. For a man who had thought he'd never love again, he felt awfully happy. 

"I suppose if we're going to do something this crazy, maybe we should at least give a couple people a chance to come too, if they want? Like Wyatt, or your sister? What do you think?"

Rosalyn wondered if her smile was permanently pasted on her face. She shook her head and gave Chad another little hug. "You, sir... are a flirt." 

And while she perhaps wished the evening never to end, reality was that the night was becoming late, and morning would come all too soon... 

...It was with a sigh that Rosalyn sat on the edge of Chad's hotel bed. Her dress was back in the bag and she was back in her jeans and t-shirt. While she'd thoroughly enjoyed getting dressed up and being treated like a princess, her limbs were pleased to be back in more comfortable clothes. Unfortunately, it meant the evening was coming to an end. 

Her eyes studied her boots that made little prints in the soft carpet. "I don't want to leave," she admitted quietly. She knew she had to though. After all, here she was, in Chad's hotel room - staying any longer would not be the right thing to do. But she didn't yet feel ready to go home either.

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