

Waiting in the hotel at the small table Chad would wait as long as Rosalyn needed to get ready and he wouldn't rush her. It was easy to tell from her reaction she was not use to it and that was ok with him. It was something he was happy to do and letting her get ready in her own time would make her feel more comfortable.

Hearing the door open Chad stands and gives a smile as Rosalyn comes out. Seeing her his jaw drops just a little bit. She looked amazing and the dress seemed to fit perfect. He was going to have to thank Clint for helping him. There was no way he could of done it on his own.


For a second thats all Chad could say as his heart rate went up and he could only keep looking Rosalyn over. She looked so amazing he could hardly believe it. Some people might think she looked to plane for the dress she had on but to him it was perfect. Anything else added might just be to much.

   "You look amazing Rosalyn, you have no idea."

Coming closer to her and leaning down to kiss her on the lips Chad looks deep into her eyes for a long moment his own sparkling so much. Going out tonight he was going to be proud of having Rosalyn on his arm, showing her off. She could be dressed and her normal clothing and it would still be the same. 

   "Dinner, Dancing, making a walk under the stars...anything else you can think of you want to do?"

Hearing Gunner come Bree perks up a little bit, than seeing him and hearing about the floats Bree squeels a little bit before wrapping her arms around Gunner. She was always so happy to see him and having him bring something extra special was always nice too.

   "Bad day huh?  Mine was long but could of been worse. Everything else ok?"

It was something Bree comanly asked. She liked knowing everyone was ok, Today though something seemed a little off more than normal. Maybe it was just her but she wanted to aske anyways just in case.

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