

Sitting in the car with Jason Katie couldn't help but feel the awkwardness that was in the air. It was so thick you could be cut with a knife. Katie new this was a job and she had to get over it but still this job seemed to come out of no where and there was no time for preparing herself at all. Maybe if she had things would be a little different and she wouldn't feel so out of place.

   "You know Reese a last minute thinker, or maybe this is his way of forcing us to get along. Though I don't know why he would think we don't. It's not like we go around yelling at each other every day."

Looking out the window herself Katie gives a shake of her head her own comment seeming silly now that she had said it. Why did things have to be like this? Everything happened because of her but she was trying and just wished things would be less strange. Jason and herself had been so close at one time, even as just friends Katie wanted to get back to that. Jason new about her more than anyone and how she felt. It was something that had run deep in both of them.

Breaking her train of thought at the mention of the Mountain Dew Katie can't help but give a little smile. Moving her gaze from the window Katie looks down at the bag she had with her. Reaching into it she grabs two bottles of pop. Holding one out to Jason she smiles.

   "I new we might be needing it and have never gone on a steakout without it so I did remember to grab some along with snacks"

Hearing that Justin would be bringing Lydia Grace was happy that at least someone would be bringing her to see Jared. Grace new how worry she sounded and it was important that she was able to go see her son.

   "Ok Lydia I will see you soon. If you need anything please call me."

Hanging up the phone with Lydia Grace lets out a small sigh as she says a small prayer. Jared had been through so much already she wondered when it would end for him. He was doing good, putting one foot in front of the other and than would get knocked back a little. It scared Grace that maybe ones of these times he got knocked back he wouldn't make the steps forward.

It didn't take long to get to the hospitle and though Grace did lots of work inside here it just seemed she was here more than normal and it made her sad because than she remembered how hard Jared had, had it. Getting to the room and entering Grace's heart sank a little bit. She didn't know how bad Jared was but it didn't look good.


Coming  closer Grace wasn't sure if Jared was sleeping or not. Seeing his eyes closed she tried to smile anyways. Reaching her hand out to lock her fingers with his. Leaning forward with her free hand she brushes a peace if hair out of Jared's eyes giving a smile. She'd let him sleep for now.

   "I'm here Jared, just rest."

Giving a laugh at a comment Tal threw at Eli Ryan shales her head. She new Scarlet and Eli wouldn't be gone forever but she was going to miss them and it would be lonely without him around. Hearing the laughter and commotion a little ways away Ryan looks over Tal's shoulder a little surprised by what she saw.

Mackenzie, Alec. and Carson all together...getting alone and playing? It was a concept that was strange to Ryan seeing as last she new Carson couldn't stand Alec. She must have missed much. A small smile spreads across her face. She was happy that they were getting along. Alec needed that, Mac needed that, and so did Carson. As the same time the smile passes her lips though a small sad look entered her eyes as well. She'd missed so much in this growth, it was so easy to see....it was something she had hoped for, for Alec and she'd missed it. 

Turning her attachen back to Tal Ryan smiles again though the look was still in her eye she tried to hide it. She shouldn't be sad it was her choose to walk away from Alec but with good reason. It's not like there had been non what so ever. She had someone great in front of her who loved her and yet...there seemed to be a little hole.

   "So...you going to spend lots of time kissing with Eli gone? We wont have anyone making comments like he doesn't kiss his own girlfriend."

Take Cindy's hand and looking down the lane Wes takes in a deep breath. He new this time would come, and it was time to go see the rest of the family. In a way he was very nervous. Why he wasn't sure. Maybe seing Kaylee after so long, maybe it was just seeing everyone. He has to though, it was only right and things would be fine.

   "Ready love?"

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